Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 4

Nick and I finally broke apart and I looked over at Kelly who was still listening to her iPod and texting. Joe was standing behind her wondering if she will ever stop and talk to him. I through my flip-flop at her to get her to pay attention. She looked up at me. I looked at her.

She gave me this look that said, “What do I do? HELP!”

I started back with the look telling her to turn around and pay attention to Joe.

She listened to me and put everything away and turned around.

“So…” Nick said trying to break the silence.

“So…what?” I said putting my arm around him like we were trying to think of something.

“I vote we go for a walk and leave these two so they HAVE to talk.” He whispered into my ear.

“Sounds good to me.”
He took my hand and led me out side into the hall. We started walking around. I had no idea where we were going but he knows this place pretty well so I trust him to where he is leading me.
“May I ask where you’re taking me?”

“Nope. It’s a secret.”

“Is it a good secret?”

“Yes…here we can kill time by playing a game.”

“What game?”

“Um…I don’t know. What game do you want to play?”

“How…about…20 questions?”

“Ok how we playing. One of us thinks of something or we ask questions about one another?”

“Ask questions about one another.”

“Ok. I guess I can ask then since you know more about me.”


“So…what’s your favorite color?”


“Favorite food?”

“That’s a hard one… I guess…pizza.”

“Favorite Jonas Brother’s song?”

“Inseparable.” I giggled.

“What do you know about me?”

“Your favorite color is blue. Your favorite food is steak. Your favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip. You have diabetes. You and your brothers vow to not have sex till marriage. You wrote S.O.S in about 10 minutes. Your favorite band is Switchfoot. You always wear your purity ring and dog tags…”

“Ok that’s enough…” he said cutting me off. “Ok…Um…how many questions has that been?”

“4. And that doesn’t count as one unless you want it too. Then it would be 5.”

“No. Ok…um…favorite Disney star?”

“Tinker bell all the way.”

“Haha. Favorite sport?”




“Favorite movie?”


“Favorite thing to wear?”

“Skinny jeans with a hoodie in the winter. In the summer, skinny jeans and a tang top. Oh and my cross.” I pulled out my cross that had fell into my shirt and showed him. It’s like 14 karats for something. Coast over $1,200.

“Wow it’s beautiful. What is it for? Or is it just to have? This counts as one question.”

“I got it for confirmation. My dad got it for me.” I frowned a little.

“Why does it make you sad? Did something happen?”

“Yeah…I guess you can say that.”

“May I ask what?”

“It’s just that…I couldn’t take the way they treated me at home. I had to get out. Not like it was really bad but I didn’t like feeling like a slave. So last night I left. And now I’m here. But I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have no where to go really. I was just thinking about walking till I found somewhere to go.”

“You’re crazy. You’re not going to do that. I won’t let you.”

“And what are you going to do?”

“I believe I’m the one who is suppose to ask the questions.” I laughed a little. “I’m going to take you with me. I’ll keep you save.”

“I guess it’s true what everyone says about you guys. You really are one step fro having a halo above your gorgeous head.”

He blushed a little and just smiled at me. “So how many questions is that? Including those last ones.”


“Ok…Favorite artist?”

“Alex Johnson…for the time being. It changes over time.”

“So what are some of the things you took with you from home?”

“All my note books with all my stories, song and poems. My iPod and the charger for the wall. All my CD’s had to come with me. I packed my sunglasses and a few cloths. My camera. I threw some of my make-up and hair things in my bag. I grabbed my favorite purse that was quiet big and put some things in there. I managed to get a few of my favorite stuffed animals in there. My one favorite is really huge teddy bear. And my 4 yearbooks. I would have my phone but I HAD to leave it behind so they couldn’t find me.”

“Wow. That’s not really much.”

“No it really isn’t. But I was planning on getting more things on my way to where ever with my $70.”

“I’m taking you shopping before we hit the road. Kate can come too. You need to be prepared for the road.” He smiled and pulled me into a hug.”

“I believe you still have questions left.” I said as he pulled back and grabbed my hand.

“Favorite store?”


“Care Bears or Elmo?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“I don’t know I ran out of questions to ask.”

I laughed. “Care Bears.”

“Ok…um…favorite Jonas Brother?”

“Including Frankie?”




“Sorry he’s just so cute.”

“Cuter than me?”

“Is that one of your questions?”


“Fine…yes he is cuter than you but you’re hotter than Frankie.”

“Oh nice save.”

“Thank you.” I gave him a cheesy smile again. “Ok one more.”

“Why do you like me?”

“Because your hot and famous.” I said laughing. “No not really. Well they hot part is true but… there is more to it.”


“Like…your eyes, your smile, your voice, the fact that you’re incredibly nice but very quiet. The fact that you’re really are like a real teen and that everyday you are dealing with diabetes. I know it’s not easy because my dad use to have it, my grandma has it and my sister’s boyfriend has it.”

“It is hard and frustrating. But it’s good to know that you know about it and are fully aware. It makes me feel a little more save with you know.”

All I could do is smile and stare at him gorgeous brown eyes. “Are we there yet?” I wined.

“Uh…” he looked forward re quick. “Yeah.” He pushed the door that was in front of us open.

There was the nice clean bear stage. Nothing was on it. It looked so much bigger now but it was beautiful. He pulled me to the front of the stage and sat down. I sat in front of him and leaned back on him as our legs hung over the edge of the stage. We sat there looking up at the sky in complete silence.

“So Jonas…why do you like me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot of talking in this chapter...not so much focuse on "Kelly" & Joe. That will come in the next chapter.... this was 8 pages...and it is 12:20 right now...XD Just so you know...