Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 6

(Joe’s Pov)

When we got to the party there was this hug mob of girls just waiting for us. FUN! We got out of the car and headed in. We looked everywhere for the girls but couldn’t find them. So I decided to text Kelly.

“Hey babe where are you guys?”

“Come find us ;].” She was so cute when she left me thinking.

“But…but…we did look.”

“Well look harder.”

“Fine but if we don’t find you in 5 minutes you have to tell us where you are.”

“Fine. Now come find us.”

The second we turned around there they were standing right in front of us.

“Well you’re smarter than I though. I was waiting for you to walk forward.” Kylie said as she put her arm around Nick.

“Well I guess I proved you wrong.” I said sticking my tongue out.

“Hey that tongue stays in there. It only comes out for once reason.” Kelly demanded as she pointed to me all serious.

“Sorry.” I said kissing her on the lips. But I didn’t want to pull away.

When we finally did I looked around for Nick and Kylie but they were gone. They probably left to go find people or something. But I did find Miley.

“Oh shoot!”



“Oh. You should tell Nick…or something.”

“Yeah I know. But right now she is coming over hear to talk to me…well us.”

“Joe, Hi. How have you’ve been?” Miley said in a perky little voice that I hated so much.

“Fine. You?” I said trying to be as nice as possible.

“Good. But I would be better if you told me who this was.” She said pointing to Kelly.

“Oh sorry. This is my girlfriend Kelly. Kelly I believe you know who Miley is.”

“How could I not. I mean my friend was Hanna for Halloween as a joke and this year my Best friend’s boyfriend is going to be Hanna.” She said trying not to laugh.

“Oh that’s wonderful.”

“Actually no it’s not. See my best friends boyfriend is like really fat and where making him be Hanna and it all a joke.” She said smiling like she really wasn’t being nice.

“Oh I see. Anyway…Joe, deer, where is Nick?”

“Somewhere with his GIRLFRIEND.”

“Nick got a new girlfriend? Oh is it Selena… I’ve hear their dating now.”

“No…it’s Kylie, Kelly friend.”

“Best friend…but not the one I just told you about.”

“Oh well I’ll go see if I can find him to meet this Kylie.” She said with a fake smile.

I took out my phone and texted Nick, “Beware the witch is on a hunt to find you.” He knew exactly what I meant. So I decided to take it upon myself and go find him. Hopefully before she found him. I was about 3 feet away from him when she approached him.

“Nick, sweetie, Hi.” She said tapping him as he looked up away from Kylie to see her standing there looking all innocent.

“Miley hi.” He said almost mocking her.

“Oh who is this?” she said pointing, again, to Kylie.

“My GIRLFRIEND Kylie.” He said looking back down at her and smiling.

“Oh well its nice to meet you.” She said holding out her hand for Kylie to shake. She looked at it for a minute then decided to be nice and shake it.

“Hi.” She said smiling, fake, back at Miley who was also smiling fake still.

“So tell me about yourself Kylie.” Miley said wanting to know EVERYTHING about Kylie as she sat down next to her and Nick. More like in between.

“I’m 14 and dating Nick Jonas. That’s it.” She said looking back over at Nick smiling.

“That it. That your life story. No dream, no family stories, nothing?”

Kylie’s smile turned to a frown. “No...That’s it.” She said a little pissed.

“Ok. Nick deer can you get us something to drink. I would love to talk to Kylie in privet.” She said patting Nick on the shoulder acting like nothing bad was going to happen. But because Nick trust Kylie to not believe a thing Miley will say or anything he got up anyway.

“Ok so now that he is gone…Kylie you seem like a nice person and all but Nick isn’t. He gets really jealous of his girlfriends just hugging or talking to anther guy. He always has to have it his way…and well… he always has to know what you’re doing or who you’re with. He is just not a nice boyfriend as he is a guy.”

“Really…Miley, deer, can I tell you something?”

“Yeah.” She said all perky expecting a thank you or something

“Shut up. You’re just saying this to get me to dump Nick so you can have him. Well he is a nice guy and an even better boyfriend. Everything you said is a lie and that makes you a bad person. I mean really… pictures of you stripping and now lying. And you’re suppose to be a role model for those little kids. I feel bad for all of them and I don’t know how their parents even let them go to your concerts or watch your TV show. You’re just one lucky bitch that nothing really bad happened to your career…yet.” Kylie got up and walked away to where Nick was standing by the drinks waiting for her.

“Wow I’m shocked Miley didn’t just make a seine right there.” Kelly said laughing.

“Yeah. You know Miley the little drama queen. One time on tour she faked that she hurt her neck in rehearsal so Nick would pay more attention to her. Like he wasn’t to begin with. But with Miley, if you don’t pay attention to her 100% she gets mad and makes sure you do.”

“Sounds right. Kylie takes no bull shit. She stands up for what she believes in and what right. And she LOVES to get into fights with people. Hey she might as well since she is so good at it.”

“That’s a good thing because she will be fighting with Miley A LOT now.”

“Well lets see, fighting + Kylie + Miley = DRAMA BEYOND THE POINT OF NO RETURN. That’s going to be fun.” Kelly giggled.

“Yeah. But we get to be part of it too…if Kylie will let us.”

“Trust me she will.”

My phone started to ring. It was a text from Kevin. “If were going to go to the mall we should leave now. We’ve been here for about 2 hours and we need to still get ready to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Oh that reminds me…”


“What are you doing for like…the rest of the summer?”

“Um…nothing…just going to Italy with my Family in the middle of August for 18 days.”

“Cool…do you think that for the time when you’re not in Italy you can come on tour with us and Kylie?”

“I would love too. Hold on let me just ask my mom.” She pulled out her mom and called. 5 minutes later she shut her phone and looked at me. She wanted to looks all sad and all but she just couldn’t. “SHE SAID YES!!!” She started jumping up and down.



“That’s awesome!” I said hugging her so tight then pulling away to kiss her.

“Come on you too love birds we got to go.” Kylie said as her and Nick passed us to go out to the car. We just smiled and walked out to the car.

It was about a half hour till we got to the mall. Kevin drove, Kelly and I were in the back seat and Kylie and Nick where in the way back. Kelly just sat there laying on me as I stared at her. Nick and Kylie were just whispering to each other and laughing. Nick really did seem to care for her… even though it’s been one day.

“Hey Nick?” I said climbing out and helping Kelly.

“Yeah?” he said still looking at Kylie as he got out.

“When do you think we should introduce these girls to Demi?”

“Um… well I was think in like 5 minutes when we got into the mall.”


“I told her last night to meet us here so she can get to know the girls and vice versa. She is thrilled that they will be on tour. She told me that she is sitting in the middle of the mall waiting.” Nick said grabbing Kylie hand as we walking into the mall.

“Alright well you girls have to lead us around because we have no idea where we’re going.”

Kelly and Kylie laughed as they took mine and Nick’s hand and started to run all over the place. Kevin was right behind us but lonely. I feel sort of bad. I couldn’t tell where we were when we stopped. We ran like all over this mall.

“DEMI!!!” Kelly and Kylie screamed and ran to the table where Demi was sitting and gave her a hug.

“I guess they really do know their way around the mall.” Nick said trying to laugh a little as we stood there trying to catch our breath. The girls seem 100% fine though.

They came back over to where they left us and pulled us over to the table. Kelly sat on my lap and Kylie sat on Nick’s Demi sat next to me and Kevin. We all talked for a little and the girls got to know each other more. Then we HAD to go shop. Kelly and Kylie wanted to scare us so they brought us to one of their favorite stores.
♠ ♠ ♠

Info: 7 pages exact. 1,609 -trys not to laugh- words. O_O NO I DID NOT COUNT. the computer does that for me on word. XD