Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 8

(Nick’s Pov)

The next morning I woke up. Joe was standing on top of me. I groaned and kicked his leg watching him fall. I laughed as a slowly climbed out of bed. I looked at the clock and it was 5 in the morning. We didn’t have to leave till 10 meaning we didn’t have to get up till 9. I got in the shower anyway. When I got out Kevin was sitting on the floor right next to the door. I guess he feel asleep waiting. I walked back into my room and got dressed. Joe went back to bed. So I decided to wake him up. We tried to hit me when I through my pillow at his head but I was on the other side of my bed. Once I was dressed and I did my hair I walked out into the hall to go check up on the girls.

When I got to the door I could hear the music from the other side. At first I didn’t know what song it was then I realized it was one of our songs. It actually was ‘A Little Bit Longer’. I knocked on the door and a smiling Kylie answered. She had just came out of the shower. She was drying off her hair with the towel and still in the robe.

“I love the chose of song in the morning.” I said as I gave her a hug. Her hair smelt so good.

“We just put Demi’s iTunes on shuffle and this was the first song.” She started to sing to it very softly.

“Speaking of, where is Demi?”

“She is in the shower. Where is Joe?” Kelly Jumped in still laying in bed.

“He’s still in bed. He woke me up then when I was in the shower he went back to sleep so I woke him up.”

“That nice.” She said falling back asleep. Kylie and I just laughed.

“So how is your morning?” Kylie said starting to play around with her phone some more.

“Perfect now that I get to see your beautiful face. But I wish I could wake up to you next to me.”

“Hey I have no problem sleeping in the same bed. Your dad does though and I would like to keep it on good terms with him.”

“I know. I just can’t wait till I get to though. Theirs a lot of things I want to do but can’t at the time being.”

“Like what…?” she got a little scared.

“Kiss you in the rain, snow, go swimming with you, kiss you…” I said I leaned forwards and kissed her.

“Aw…” Demi said as she walked out of the bathroom. “When did you even get here?”

“About 5 minutes ago. So I would say grab your cloths and change in the bathroom.” Kylie said pointing back to the bathroom.

“I guess. Oh hay Nick, when we leaving again?”


“Alright…we still got time. I’ll be right back.” She grabbed her cloths off her bed and went back into the bathroom to get changed.

Kylie had taken her iPod out to listen to it. She started to sing along with ‘Jersey’ by Mayday.

Cause jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I’m scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just
A lie until you left
Now I’m hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear
I'm just gone beyond repair

Let's write a song that we can dance to
Cause they all wanna listen
Just to know how it sounds when
I do that thing you know that I do
When I find inspiration
This is me breaking down when

Jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I’m scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just
A lie until you left
Now I’m hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear
I'm just gone beyond repair

Let's write a song that we can sing to
And you can lead the choir
And put the hook where it hurts most
And you threw a spark that lit the candle
That set us all on fire
And sent a flame down the east coast

Demi walked back into the room all dressed so Kylie got up and went in. Demi and I woke tried to wake up Kelly but she didn’t get up. So when Kylie walked out she came over to the bed and hit Kelly with the pillow and Kelly just woke up. Demi and I just started to laugh. Kelly got up, took her shower and got dressed and by the time she got out Joe was sitting on her bed waiting for her. She jumped on the bed next to him and they started making out. They didn’t even realize that Demi, Kylie and I left the room to go get something to eat.

(Kylie’s Pov)

When we walked into the sweat that Nick and everyone was staying in everyone turned their head and looked at us. Demi whispered, “Awkward.” And walked over to the kitchen. Nick and I fallowed right behind her.

“So what do you want for breakfast?” Nick asked looking at the counter full of food.

“Uh…I think I’ll just have a bagel.”

“Oh that sounds good. Nick can you grab me a bagel please.”

“Here you go.” Nick said handing her a bagel.

“Nick you forgetting to do something before eating.” I said as he gave me my bagel and reached for one himself.

“Oh right…see with you I almost forgot…that would have been bad. And it would help if I was not half asleep still.” Nick said giving me a kiss on the check and walking off into his room to check his incline and everything.

I took my orange juice and walked in after him. I wanted to see what was up with him this morning and everything. And plus I didn’t want to be out there by myself with everyone I really don’t know.

“So…” said sitting on his bed as his pricket his finger.

“It fine. Just got to eat and then before we go put on my pod.” Nick said starting to pack up everything.

“Good. You need to be healthy for me.” I said pulling on the front of his shirt forcing him to bend down so I can kiss him.

“Come on…” He said as he pulled away. “Let’s go eat.” He grabbed my hand and lead me back out to where we left our bagels.

We sat down and ate. When we were done, finally, Joe and Kelly came into the room and got something to eat. Once we were all set and ready we packed up the bus and left.
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It's a little shorter gots a new update!!!

hope you like it...