Outcast Freaks United

- Chapter one -

You all know me right? A girl with no future, no real great gifts. If so then without asking you already know something interesting about me, interesting can be the word right? Well let me introduce myself I am Alex Skye your typical, average high school 9th grader student and a normal 14 year old, turning 15. I always felt as if my life was way too ordinary… Man I regret that now! Well more then just that!
"Alex!! Are you up yet! You are going to miss you first day at your new school!" shouted mum from across the living room, sound waves bouncing off walls, repeating it until it reached my room, where my ear caught the words.
"Give me 5 more minutes! Please! I don’t like school! I don’t want to go to school!" I replied back in a tone that was not at all excited about changing schools at all. "I bet my new school is just going to be as retarded as my last one!!" I hummed to myself. Changing schools is so dramatic if you’re popular or something. People crying, non-stop hugging you and giving you a mountain of gifts. But that wasn’t how my farewell party went when I left my old school. Some of my friends gave me a pat on the back and a farewell. Though it didn’t bother me at all. I wrapped my blanket around myself and closed my eyes again.

"ALEX! Did you hear what I just said!!" screamed my mum as she stomped into my room and aggressively flunked off my blankets.
"Mum please.... just a few more minutes" I nagged, turning my head around. Facing the wall where I lost sight of her.
"No young lady! Get up right this second and stop that nagging and complaining!! Everything is going to be fine." she said in a strong, firm voice.
I opened half an eye and closed it again. I gave a frustrating sigh and slowly straightened my back.
"Good, finally I got you out of bed! Alex, I can’t deal with this every morning! Having a battle with you every day is just too frustrating. Your 14, old enough to learn how to behave properly." my mum complained.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." I moaned, half ignoring her as I walked past, heading for the bathroom. “Who’s the one complaing now huh???” I thought.
“Alex, you forgot your uniform.” Mum told me, she realized I was ignoring her but she took no notice of that as she threw to me my newly delivered uniform into my hands. Gosh she was taking no observe or what so ever that I was in a bad enough mood. I took the uniform with me as I stepped into the massive marble floored bathroom. I looked in the mirror. What I saw before my eyes was an average looking girl with near to zero amount of friends. I always heard bullies say, “I bet if they sold ya you won’t be even worth one single dollar!” as they laughed past me in the hallways or the hallways.
“Take no notice of them!” is what a few friends, or the only friends, told me. But it’s not them that is always get called on, it’s me. There were no gangs, bullies, and certainly I never felt left out. But that was ages ago, a far of dream that would never hit reality. I wont say I’m the worst kind of loser there is but I’m way below average, that’s what I was told in my old school. I flipped on my bluish, no collared, school t-shirt. Along with the netball skirt. That was also offered in the package. I was hoping to try out for the netball team since I adored that game from as long as I could remember but the kids back in my old school always prevented me from ever doing so. Hopefully this school’s students are more mature and less picky so that I might actually get a damn shot at this! YEAH! Instead of some crazy freaks trying to take control of the whole school itself, plain jerks, nothing more nothing less.
“Alex!!! Do you have to stay in the bathroom forever? Is there some kind of charm in our home bathroom for you to stick to it??”
I knew who it was even before I recognized who the voice belonged to. “My mum”. My hand reached out for the door knob and I twisted it sideways making a click sound as it opened, magic isn’t it? No, not at all. I came face to face with a beyond angry mother whose daughter likes being late for school “Lateaholic”?, Is that even I word? Boy do I wonder.
“What? I was fixing my skirt! Sorry….” I moaned giving a warm smile, I think it was more then obvious, I was trying to find an excuse.
“Ok whatever excuse you have time isn’t going to work young lady, go and get your bag pack ready.” Was the answer my mum gave me.

As I step into my bedroom it was then I finally agreed with my mum that my room was in a totally mess! Most of my clothes were on my bed and my textbooks, novels, notes where shoved in my wardrobe. Where in most houses you would find “clothes”, and I guess my waradrobe was also once like that, until I came along and turned my whole bedroom into a big pile of dump. Everything else was just sprawled over the ground like a blanked of sea. Little bits of jewellery, material, stationary, all kinds of things you find in bedrooms. Just that you wont find it lying on the ground where you are meant to step on 24/7. Oh and did I tell you? I had four netballs all lying around in different places. Covering some little parts of the room. Along with my other sports stuff, sport uniforms, soccer balls, medals, etc. Though they don’t help make my room any cleaner! Actually just the opposite of “cleaner”. I gave out a loud uncomfortable sigh and I went stepping over piles and piles of goodness sakes what until I reached the plain white wardrobe to recuse some notebooks from being ever used again. Shoving and grabbing some random note taking booklets. Out of my wardrobe and into my school bag went the notebooks.

I ran downstairs to where my mum was waiting for me, throwing my cell and wallet in, and bouncing- at least trying to bounce my netball up and down as I came dashing to the doorway where awaited me a very angry, moody, and impatient mother.
“Alex…..-“ was all my mum could say before I interfered.
“Yeah, Yeah.. I know I know.” I argued.

She told me to wait outside the big gate in front of my house while she drives the car out from the underground garage, like always. As I waited I swang my bag side to side, playing with my netball. Doing all sorts of random stuff, what? I was bored… you couldn’t blame me. *Beep beep* went a loud horn giving me fright. I turned around, sending my darkish brown hair flashing through the air like light, there was my car and in it the same person I just saw a few minutes ago at the doorway, my mum.
“Common Alex! Otherwise you will be late for school, we don’t want that now do we?” sang my mother.
For all I care every second is leading me closer and closer to my new dreadful life at my new High School. Get ready Alex or a wild, unexpected, trilling, time of your life at your brand new High School! Time of you life eh? Never in a million years!! I kicked my netball around my legs doing some air tricks with them ignoring the yells my mum was throwing at me. I literally did nothing about all the yelling and screaming in the background, that is, until my mum came hurtling out of the car like some giant lion running up to its prey licking its lips.
“Uh-oh I’m in BIG trouble!” I said to myself being all sarcastic.
“Young lady! Who do you think you are?!?!?” mum yelled out, sounding more like a teacher than ever.
I smiled innocently, looking all angelic. I continued looking the way I was and added, “Myself ma'm I was waiting for you, Im sorry I didn’t notice you already arrived.”
I turned around and opened the back door. Doing one last air trick with the netball before I pulled myself in. I wished my mum saw me rolling my eyes at her. Sadly she didn’t.
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erm.... this is a rough draft.. and it sucks xDD im going to correct the bad grammar, speling mistakes, everything later on =]