The Game

Level One

I rolled over and groaned as my alarm clock started screaming at me. I finally looked up at it. “5:30… the fuck? School ended last week… fucking thing…” I slammed my hand down on the button, and rolled back over.

Then I heard my door open. dammit… I cursed in my head.

“Why is your alarm clock going off? Is everything okay? Do you need anything? What are you doing today?” There was my chronically worried mother, already quizzing me for the day…

“Everything fine, mom, thing went off, go way, need more seep…” I said, not caring I didn’t pronounce everything right.

“Okay… love you… call me when you get up,” she shut the door again, and I thanked the goddess I could go back to sleep…

Before we continue, hi, I’m Rachel Cunning. I’m a very accident proned short person, who has a lot of paranormal events… I’m telling you my story so I can relieve the stress that goes on, not to mention it just makes an excellent story.

I’m 16, and I just finished up my Sophomore year, having only to take 2 semester tests. That has it’s good and bad side… This mean I get to sleep in, but all my friends are still in school taking tests. Yay, the summer boredom has already started…

I woke up again at 10:30, and decided to get my happy ass up and get coffee. I slammed my toe into the computer “on” button, and walked off as it started booting up. I loved my computer… it was my escape, the place where I could write, and express my feelings as freely as I wished without worrying about ruining my life. I called her Compy, out of my extreme need to name everything that I used constantly.

“Hi, Compy,” I muttered as I patted the printer with one hand and plopped in my chair, coffee in the other. I’m always talking to things… whether it’s because I’m crazy, or just lonely, I’m not really sure.

I got on the internet, and started doing everything I normally did, signed onto all my messengers, and opened a page for myspace and one for mibba. When yahoo finally signed in, I got battered with a million messages. I freaked for a second, then noticed the offline message from my best friend…

Jessie Chaos: Hey, sorry I have to take tests today, you should come pick me up after I’m done today. Love you.

I smiled at the message, but then cursed as I realized I’d have to wait until noon before I did anything. “I just had to get up….” I shook my head and finished checking everything else.

A couple minutes later, I remembered my mom told me to call her. I grabbed my cell phone, and then realized she’d already called twice and texted me once saying “call me”. “God, does she not think I’m capable of remembering that?” I growled, as I pushed the number for her on my speed dial.

She picked up by the 3rd ring. “Hey, are you okay? Are you awake? What are you doing today?”

I sighed, and said, “I’m fine, yes, I’m awake, or I wouldn’t be talking, and I’m not sure what I’m doing today, probably look for a job.” All of that was in one quick breath.

One thing you need to know… I love my mom to death. She just gets annoying… I don’t like being questioned. My mom overdoes it… She’s always worried I can’t even eat by myself without having problems.

“Okay… where are you applying at? Can you find something to eat okay? Do you have enough gas? Where are you getting money, anyway?” she said in her worried-mother tone.

“I’m not sure, I’ll look around, of course I can, Mom, I’m not 7, yes, I have more than enough gas, and I told you, I saved over $500 before I quit my last job,” I said in a sigh. “Don’t worry,” I added, something I said constantly that didn’t seem to help her at all.

“Okay… take out the trash for me… have a good day, I love you,” she said kind of thoughtful. “OH! Before I forget, we’re about to start working on the bathroom, the remodeling guys will be coming in about 3 days. You probably need to pack…”

“UGH! You have got to be kidding me… I don’t want to leave my room!” I said in distress.

“Sorry, honey… but we need to get it fixed. Our bathroom looks horrible…” and then she went on a rant that I kind of spaced out on.

“Okay, okay… I’ll pack a little… where are we staying?”

“At your grandma’s with your sister… oh, you’re dad’s coming home soon.”

“NO!” I yelled. “Why? We can take care of everything ourselves….” I didn’t mind staying with my sister, but my dad… well, me and my dad don’t get along.

“Sorry, he’s not that bad, and it’s just easier if he takes care of everything,” she said apologetically. “I have to go now, bye, love you,” she repeated.

“Bye, love you too,” I said, as I hung up the phone, then threw it at the wall. I didn’t want to see my dad… he had been gone trucking for about a month now. Now I would have to deal with him, not even at my house where I could retreat to my room…

I started taking deep breathes and calmed myself, then grabbed my coffee, and drank the rest of it in 4 quick swallows, then went to the kitchen and put it in the sink and went to go take a shower.

I’d get dressed and then go drive around and go pick up Jessie… Talking with her would help me calm down. That was probably the best I could do for now.