The Game

Level Two

I turned around and made sure the door was locked before I pranced out to my car. “Hey, Isabella,” I chirped. That’s my car’s name, Isabella. I wasn’t kidding when I said I named everything…

I got in and turned her on, blasting the radio. I was in a great mood. Coffee and a shower does that to me. I started driving around, and then noticed the shadow people. odd… they don’t usually show well in the sun… I thought, but then started blocking them out along with my third eye, something I’ve been doing a lot lately.

Something else you need to know… I see dead people. Sorry, had to use the line. Anyway, I see things that aren’t there. I normally call them shadow people, because that’s what they look like. Shadows. But lately, I’ve been blocking out my third eye… Mainly because I just don’t want to deal with it anymore, but also because it’s been worrying me lately.

I started circling places randomly around town out of boredom as I checked my phone. It was too early to go to her school, but I was texting my boyfriend, seeing as that’s about it that me and him ever do.

D’Michael: I’m bored…
Rachel: I know… I’m sorry… your fault for having to take them.
D’Michael: It’s not my fault… my teachers are just retarded.
Rachel: Haha… right… keep telling yourself that.
D’Michael: They are! You don’t know them…
Rachel: I’m sure…
D’Michael: Be nice…
Rachel: I’m sorry, honey. You know I love you.

Yup… it would go on like that all day. It would annoy the hell out of my friends, because I’d constantly be checking my cell phone.

I kept driving around and letting my mind wonder until Jessie finally called me.

“Come pick me up,” she said in her arrogant commanding tone that I loved so much.

“Okay, sure I’m on my way,” I said, as I did an interesting probably illegal u-turn to start heading towards the school.

“I’ll be in the front… and don’t do anything stupid. There’s a lot of cops. And you KNOW what I mean,” she said, trying not to laugh.

“Okay,” I giggled. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay. Bye.” Click.

I hurried up to her school, and saw that she wasn’t kidding about the cops. There was about 7 on the main street going to the school. crap… I thought, slowing down extremely, and doing some interesting maneuvers to get to the front where she was.

“Hi,” I said as she swung into the front seat.

“Hey. I’m hungry. Taco bell?” she said, and gave me a hoping look.

I laughed. “Sure. Do you think we can find Bailey while we’re here? She’s not answering her phone…” I said, though I was more hoping to see my boyfriend in the back before he left.

“Why not? Just pull in somewhere and park,” she said, leaning back in the seat.

I turned onto one of the sides streets, and was about to pull into the parking lot when the lovely siren and blue and red lights came on.

“SHIT!” We both said at eachother, giving eachother looks.

“Wait…” I said.” I’m not doing anything illegal… am I?” I said surprised. I do a lot of illegal driving, but I can usually tell what’s illegal and what’s not.

I turned down my music seeing as it was way too loud, and looked out my window. “Hi, sir,” I said smiling and using my “I’m a little innocent girl that would NEVER try anything” voice. “What was I doing wrong?” I said.

“Nothing, your registration is out,” he said, with a smile forming on his lips. It wasn’t creepy, “the voice” just made people smile. works every time… I thought.

“OH!” I said surprised. it’s out? Shit… I thought. “I’m sorry… do I need to get that fixed? I said, deciding to play dumb.

“Yes, but I’m going to have to give you a citation…” he said, looking like he actually regretted giving me one, unlike how they usually are gleeful about it. He walked off towards his motorcycle.

I got out my phone.

Rachel: Hey, mom. Did you know my registration is out? Isn’t that just dandy…
Mom: What? What happened? Do we need to get it fixed?
Rachel: Oh, just got pulled over… no biggie. I’ll get it taken care of.
Mom: Okay… we’ll talk about it later…

I rolled my eyes. I LOVED how she added in the last part… not. Oh well, that’s my mom for you. It didn’t mean anything bad, she’d just go on one of her worried rants.

“I just need you to sign here,” the officer said, coming back to my window. I grabbed the electronic pen thing, and signed my name very messily. Something printed out. He handed it to me. “So this is just a citation, if you get it taken care of, you won’t have to pay anything,” he said, showing me where it said on the slip of paper where to go.

“Okay… thanks,” I said, taking it and shoving it in the little compartment in the middle of the car.

“You’re welcome. Have a nice day, honey,” he said, walking off.

I looked over at Jessie. “Honey?” I mouthed. “The fuck?” I said out loud.

“Who knows… lets just leave,” she said, reclining back into her seat.

“Sure,” I said, putting the car back in drive, and stepping on the gas. “hey, uh… where are we going?”

“Oh… damn… good question,” she said opening her eyes. “I don’t know… we really need a house…”

“With a futon... I have a couch!!” I said, laughing.

“I know…” she said, giving me a funny look. “Lets just go to your house. Seeing as we don’t have one of our own…” she said.

“Okay… that works, I started off towards my house, trying not to do so many illegal things.

“So have you broken up with D’Michael yet?” she said casually.

“I’m not going to!!” I said in a frustrated voice. “I told you… things are fine… We just don’t see eachother that often…” I said, taking out the phone to once again text him. I gave my phone a name once… but I kept forgetting it. So I just gave it a sticker that was a kitty on the back and called it even.

Rachel: So I got pulled over…
D’Michael: What? How? …Was Jessie with you?
Rachel: Yes… Isn’t she always?
D’Michael: Figures… Did you get a ticket?
Rachel: No... A citation.
D’Michael: Oh… Well at least it’s not that bad. What was it for?
Rachel: My registration…

“Right… Fine… He just ignores you,” she said in a sarcastic tone.

“He doesn’t ignore me… we’re texting, aren’t we?” I said, holding the phone.

“Oh yeah, that’s great,” she said, and just turned up the music.

We got to my house and went to the kitchen.

“No Taco Bell?” Jessie whined.

“I want eggs…” I said, getting out a bowl. “Sit. You get to watch me cook,” I said, grabbing various objects.

“Okay… sure… Free food is good,” she said, sitting on a stool.

I cracked open the eggs and started digging for the milk. “I want three, do you want three?” I said, even though I already cracked 6.

“Sure…?” she said. “So have you felt anything in… you know… their world?”

I looked at her. “No… I haven’t been talking to any of them. I haven’t wanted to…” I said, turning back to the fridge and realizing we have no milk. Butter will work… Its dairy I thought as I grabbed a stick of butter.

“Why haven’t you wanted to? And what the hell? Butter?” she said, giving the stick a weird look.

“Yes, butter…” I said as I stuck it in the pan to melt. “And I don’t know… just haven’t been interested I guess. Nothing to really pay any attention to...” I trailed off. One of the main reasons actually was that my spirit guide, Shürkron, was mad because I still wanted to be with D’Michael.

Something else you need to know… I have a spirit guide. I don’t know how to explain it. I talk to him. He’s pretty cool. And no, it doesn’t look like a “floating sheet”. He looks more like a wolf, actually… a really freaking huge wolf. Thus, why we call him Wolfie in public. People tend to think you’re crazy when you mention spirits… Anyway, you’ll understand better as we move along.

I took the bowl of eggs and started grabbing things out of the cabinet: vanilla extract, cinnamon, garlic powder, salt, pepper, chives… whatever I could find that sounded tasty. Jessie was giving me a “what the fuck are you doing to the eggs…” look.

“Nothing to pay attention to? I keep feeling things… I think there’s something going on. I’m surprised you didn’t notice…. I don’t like it, it makes me go panicky,” she said.

“Huh… I haven’t felt anything,” I lied as I put the eggs in the pan and started moving them around. I didn’t want to feel anything.

“Okay… hey, am I expected to eat that stuff?” she said, eyeing the eggs again.

“Yes,” I said, finishing them off and grabbing a paper plate to put them on. “Eat it,” I demanded, putting a bit on a fork and placing it in front of her mouth.

She bit at it. “FUCK YOU!” She yelled when she swallowed.

“What I do…?” I said confused as I shoveled them into my mouth.

“It tastes good…” she said, getting another fork and digging in too.

We finished the eggs and headed out the door to go just drive around. I wasn’t paying much attention to her as she ranted though, I was trying to think about what she said about something going on…