The Game

Level Three

So before I finish up about how the rest of the day went, let me explain some things to you so you aren’t so lost.

First of all, my spirit guide is a demon. Not the kind that wants to posses and hurt you, but yes, he is a fallen angel. It’s not the kind the church wants you to put into your head. He’s not really like other demons either… he wants to work with the angels. And the angels aren’t like your christians’ angels either. In fact, while you’re reading this, I’d throw out most of the knowledge in your brain about what you think “angels” and “demons” are. Right now, that might get confusing, but you’ll begin to understand as the story moves along.

Second of all, Jessie is one of the only reasons why I remain breathing and trying. She is my best friend, and the fact that she stands by me even when I get everyone in trouble and make the wrong decisions means so much to me. I love her, probably more than she even realize. In fact, the reason why I’m dating my boyfriend is because he’s almost a male version of her. I couldn’t help myself… I just feel like I have to have him. Everyone by this time though thinks he is bad for me… but I can’t let him go. Anyway, I’m drifting off subject.

Third of all, Jessie also has a spirit guide, also demon, and also working with the angels. Hers is a bit more snappy than mine is though… hers has a bit of a tempter. And she’s also female, whereas mine is a male. There really is no connection between whether the person is male or female and their guide is male or female, honestly. I think it’s all kind of random. You get stuck with what you need to be stuck with.

I’ll keep giving you more facts as we progress, but with that all said, let’s continue.

Jessie and I decided to go to one of our favorite places to go and talk: Hastings. The store, I swear, was made for us. Books for me, music for her, tons of anime, and coffee. We both grabbed what book we were on, then went to our normal section in the back that no one seemed to know existed. She was about to start reading, but then I gave her a “I need to talk” look.

She sighed. “What is it?”

“We’re about to start re-doing the bathroom… and my dad is coming home soon,” I said, flipping through my book without actually looking at it.

“Oh… Sorry about your dad. But you do need to have something done about your bathroom…” she said thoughtfully. “Where will you be staying?”

“My grandma’s… I don’t know where though… I mean, they don’t have that many beds… I’ll probably end up on the couch,” I sighed.

“Well, that’s stupid. You have a car, you could just sleep at your house,” she said in one of her many arrogant tones.

“I know, right?! Ugh, it just annoys me… I really don’t want to be stuck in one house with all of them,” I whined. “Oh, and my dad is going to give me HELL about what happened at Caprock today…”

I was so used to weird stuff happening, that it wasn’t really surprising when he pulled me over, but my parents always freaked out when they heard. Well at least my dad did. My mom probably wouldn’t do anything, since she was always home with me and didn’t over react, at least in a way to punish me, because she was used to the odd events in my life. My dad would probably try to ground me… even though it was just registration.

“He’ll get over it,” Jessie said in an angry tone. “It’s not your fault, someone else should’ve noticed too, you didn’t get the car too long ago.”

I had to try not to laugh at this. She was trying to make me feel better, which did help, but I have had the car for almost 6 months now. I probably should’ve known that it was out.

“You know it’s not your fault,” she switched over to her honey-coated voice, which made me look up. She really was beautiful. With her long dark curly hair and light brown eyes… her face was so soft, but then could look so angry. She was taller than me, but who wasn’t? I’m only four foot, ten inches… I didn’t see why other people wouldn’t like her, she had turned into almost my whole life by now.

“I know…” I said, looking away. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, I guess…” I opened my book and started reading, to show I didn’t really want to talk anymore. She did the same.

We read for a couple of hours. It’s nice to be able to escape like that. Have you ever read a story and wished that you could trade it for your life? Or at least make yours more exciting so it COULD be a book? I do that a lot… I love books. It’s my way to get away from my own reality.

Anyway, so after a while I got really bored of reading, so I got up and started walking off, which made Jessie follow, because for some reason, that’s what she does. We put up the books and went out to my car.

“So does Isabella still hate me?” Jessie said eyeing the car suspiciously again while she waited for it to unlock.

“I told you, she doesn’t HATE you… she just likes messing with you,” I giggled as I sat down and unlocked the doors.

She got in and tried to put on the seatbelt, which then for some reason refused to move. “See?” she said, pointing at the seatbelt. “It fucking hates me!!!” she whined.

I couldn’t help but bursting out laughing. “Or you could just not be talented with seatbelts,” I said as I started the car.

“LIES!!!” she yelled as she started messing with my stereo. Somehow, she managed to get the CD to stop playing and spit out. “Come on, I like you, Isabella, why won’t you let me play my music?” she whined as she pushed the CD back in again. I started laughing harder. It was always funny seeing her talk to my car.

“Let’s go to the park,” I said suddenly with a lot of excitement and pulled out.

“Sure?” she said, leaning into her seat now that she had gotten the stereo to work.

“I just want to walk around… Anyway, you’re always saying you want to be able to feel the spirits up there better…” I started trailing off when I felt the panic vibes coming off of her. For some reason, when we didn’t know the spirits, she always panicked. I didn’t understand… The fear seemed really illogical to me. That’s why I was kind of determined to get her over the fear.

We drove there in silence, well, unless you count the blaring music. When we got there, we both got out and started walking our normal direction. We always went to this park that was by the hospital called Medi park. It had two lake-type things that you could walk around. I liked it because it looked so much more natural than all of the other parks. Not to mention it always had the shadow people there. Oh, to let you know, shadow people is just basically another word for spirits… except you can actually see the shadow people.

We started walking, and for the first time in a long time, I opened my third eye as much as I could and started to see what was there. Man, I’ve gotten kind of weak… I thought as I “looked” around. I couldn’t see as much as I nearly could, just a few rouge spirits here and there. I decided to see if Jessie could see anything.

“Hey, do you feel anything?” I asked, looking over to her.

“I don’t want to…” was her only answer. I sighed. She had to get over this fear.

“Just look a little… There’s nothing bad, I promise,” I said, trying to coax her to look. “See, I’m fine, I’m looking…”

“Fine,” she said curtly, and I could see her concentration dance over her face as she began to try to feel. She looked surprised.

“See? Nothing bad right now… just some lone spirits minding their own business,” I said as we continued walking. I started retracting back into myself after a minute. It took a lot of energy to look around like that constantly, especially if you haven’t in a while like I have been doing. I could tell she only had tried to see anything for a couple of minutes.

“Why do they exist?” she finally asked after several more minutes of silence and walking.

“I’m not sure… but we need them,” was my reply. I never questioned why they were there. I’ve just always accepted it. My life wouldn’t make sense without it…

“I just still find them creepy,” was all she said back. We continue walking, both of us with probably different things on our mind, and finally got back to the swings, where we always parked, and sat down.

“Want to go to the movies in a while?” I asked. It was one of our favorite things to do now. We could even get in free because we knew people that worked at the movie theater. The sun was about to set anyway, so it would give us an excuse to stay out later.

“Sure…” she said. “We can get Devin to let us in for free,” she said, her eyes lighting up. “He’s working tonight.”

I laughed. “I hate using him like that, but sure, that always works.”

We sat there for a while longer, until we got in the car and started heading towards the theater.