The 8 Girls, the 8 Unbreakable Bonds: Akatsuki Loves

The First Mission; The Surprising Truth

^Twilight's POV^
It was noon when Leader Pein called us all in for a mission.
Pein: Okay, people. You all have a mission to find the eight girls.
Deidara: Umm....what?
Me: I don't know.
Pein: They are called the Eight Girls and they each have mystical powers but when they are united, a whole new kind of power emerges, greater than all of the Tailed Beasts.
Me: Do we know where any of them are?
Pein: Well, we do have one already.
Hidan: Awesome! Who the f*** is she?
Pein: Well, the girl is...Twilight.
Me: N-nani?!
Kakuzu: What?
Me: Exactly.
Kakuzu: *confused look*
Me: Nani means what.
Kakuzu: Okay....
Me: But how can I be one of the Eight Girls?
Pein: You have the powers, and we happen to know what all of the Eight Girls look like. We will get them one by one. Twilight and Deidara, you are to get one of the Eight Girls, here is a picture of her.
Pein hands us a picture of a girl with long brown hair and sparkling brown eyes wearing blue and pink armor with a Mist headband around her waist, and she looked familiar from some time ago.
Pein: Twilight and Deidara! Head out! She would be at the battlefield between the Mist and the Sound!
Me: Hai!
Zetsu: Ummm,,,what?
Me: Hai means yes
Zetsu: Okay.
Me: Come on, brother.
Deidara: Yeah.
We head out and soon reach the battle feild of the Mist and Sound and there are bodies everywhere from both sides and then we spot the girl blood soaked and dead. I approch the girl and turn her over. She was the one and I knew what I had to do.

^Deidara's POV^

I kneel down beside the girl on the opposite side of my sister and I felt bad for her. She was so beautiful that it was a pity to see her dead. I looked up at my sister to see her bite her thumb and create blue chakra.
Her blood mixed with her chakra in a blue-red swirl and she pressed the swirl into the girl's chest and the girl let out a painful moan.

^The girl's POV^

Something was happening to me. I felt my heart beating again and I attempted to open my eyes. When I succeed, I look up at the two people staring down at me, a boy and a girl, and one of them looked familiar, I had to still be dead...
Me: J-Jamie, is that you?
Jamie (The girl) : Yes, Kikana, it is me.
The boy: Do you know her, sister?
Me: Then you must be Deidara?
Deidara (The boy) : Yeah, how do you know me?
Me: Your sister was my friend when we were young, but I was told she died.
Jamie: No, I did not die, I left the Village.
I then notice the slash through her headband and I look over at Deidara. He had a slash through his headband too.
Me: But what happened?
Jamie: Death is Life's way of telling you you've been fired, but meeting us like this is like getting a job interview.
Me: But how-
Jamie: I have a power to bring people back to life.
Me: Oh....but why are you here?
Jamie: I am part of the Akatsuki, and we need the Eight Girls.
Me: I have heard of them but what does that have to do with me?
Deidara: You are one of the Eight Girls, and so is Twilight.
Me: Who is Twilight?
Jamie: I am, when I first joined I didn't let anyone know my name so I just said it was Twilight and I try to reinforce that name.
Me: Okay, then I will call you Twilight.
Twilight (Jamie) : Okay! Do you wanna be called anything else?
Me: No. Just Kikana.
Twilight: Okay! Well we need to start heading back now, I have healed your wounds to some degree already but you shouldn't walk.
Me: I'm fi-woah! *falls to the ground after trying to stand*

^Deidara's POV^

I watched Kikana fall to the ground after standing up.
Me: You could ride on my back.
Twilight looked at me obviously shocked. Even I am surprised. I never give sympathy to anyone except my sister, but something was different about this girl, something very different.
Kikana: Thanks. *trys to get up but falls again*
Twilight: Let me help you.
Twilight picks up Kikana and puts her on my back. Once Kikana is in place, we head off towards the Akatsuki Base.

^Kikana's POV^

I don't know what is going on. I don't care though. All I care about is getting to where ever we are going safely. Twilight and Deidara hop from rock to rock with ease. And then we come across a cave and we head in. I didn't know what to expect but it defiantly was not a house. I could tell there was a look of confusion on my face.
Twilight: The cave is just an illusion, it isn't really there.
Me: Okay.
As soon as we head in, a guy with orange hair and a bunch of piercings meets us.
Twilight: Kikana, this is Pein, the Akatsuki leader.
Me: Okay.
He was going to have to work hard for my trust, just like everyone else in this place. The only ones I trust here are Twilight, my friend, and Deidara, my friend's brother, and if anyone tries anything, I will hurt them.
Twilight: Okay, first things first, we have a bunch of extra rooms. What room do you want?
Me: Can I meet everyone first?
Twilight: Sure.
Twilight called in everyone and I saw many different people, but I could not trust anyone right off the back. Especially that girl with the blue hair and a lip piercing. I knew Twilight could tell and she leaned over to me.
Twilight: *wispers to me* I would not trust Konan, that girl with blue hair, out of all of the people here. I hate her.
Me: Okay.
So I met all of the people and everyone-except Konan-seemed kind of nice, but I still did not trust anyone. I knew the room I wanted to be in.
Me: Twilight, I wanna be in the room right across from yours.
Twilight: Okay, so you will be next to my brother, across from my room, and ajacent to Tobi's.
Me: Tobi seems nice.
Twilight: He is. Hang on, I gotta ask him something.

^Twilight's POV^

I turn from Kikana and walk over to Tobi. I had to ask him something.
Me: Hey, Tobi!
Tobi: Hey, Twilight!
Me: I wanna tell Kikana who you are. I know her and she trusts almost no one, and once you do earn her trust, you have to be careful. And Kikana is my friend, so yeah, I want her to know.
Tobi: No problem!

^Kikana's POV^

Twilight walks over with Tobi, who is the one I am most likely to trust since he seems to be great friends with Twilight.
Twilight: Kikana, let me properly introduce you to Tobi.
Tobi takes off his mask and I see he has bandage wrappings over his left eye. His right eye is amber and he has a friendly smile.
Tobi: My actual name is Obito, but like Jamie, I am supposed to be dead so use another name. Just like how she uses the name Twilight. But anyways, I am her boyfriend.
I was surprised but they did seem like the best of friends. I started to trust Tobi a little bit for that reason.
Me: It's nice to meet you.
Twilight showed me to my room and it was completely white.
Twilight: Every room is like this before the person paints it.
Me: But I'm not the best painter in the world.
Twilight: I can help you with that. I painted my room. Wanna see it?
Me: Sure!
Twilight takes me into her room which was a night scene at a grassy field with a wolf on a rock and glowing, blue butterflies fluttering around everywhere with owls flying, including a barn owl on the roof. I just stared in awe at the beautifully painted room.
Me: Wow, Twilight! This room is beautiful!
Twilight: Thanks! If you ever need anything, you can ask me!
Me: Alright! Could you help me paint my room?
Twilight: Sure! What were you thinking?
Me: Yellow grasses with birds flying everywhere during the daytime.
Twilight: Okay! We have paint in the basement!
We went to get the paint and came up to my room and set the paint down. Twilight opened up the cans, took a brush, and started to paint. When the room was done two and a half hours later, It looked beautiful.
Me: Wow, Twilight! I love it!
Twilight: What color do you want your bed?
Me: I guess the same color as the grasses.
Twilight opened the fabric paint and painted my bed as beautifully as the room.
Me: Thanks Twilight!
Twilight: No problem!

^Twilight's POV^

I had finished Kikana's room and I saw it was late. Really late. And I could tell Kikana was tired.
Me: Well, it's late. We should go to bed.
Kikana: *yawns* Fine with me.
Me: Good night!
Kikana: Night.
I head off to my room and close my door. I change into my pajamas and climb into my bed with Ookami at my feet. Only two of the Eight Girls are in the Akatsuki's hands. And of coarse we will all be sent out to find the other six.