Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

New Year's Eve

“Happy New Year!”
I’m so glad to have last year over, finally. I guess it’s easy to pretend I have the guts to ask Alex out when I’m listening to ‘I Don’t Love You.’ The truth is though, I’ve never been more scared about doing something like this, I keep asking myself questions like, ‘what will things be like if he says no?’ I been trying really hard NOT to think about the inevitable, but it’s like a boomerang, you know? It keeps coming back. No matter how crap I feel, I can’t wait to get back to school to see him. I’ve only known him for about two months, but I can’t get over how much I like him, I think it’s more than that, now. I think I might be falling in love with him. He’s so perfect, and we get on so well, that’s what else I’m afraid of, ruining our friendship by making a stupid mistake. That would be worse than breaking up with him, losing him as a friend. Oh God, I don’t wanna think about that right now. Great, boomerang. We have to leave now, so I’ve got five hours of trying to drown out my thoughts with ‘Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.’ Sometimes, I wonder if I wouldn’t be better off with rap music for drowning stuff out! Oh man, I’m so tired, I think Dad actually managed to convince me to drink way more than I should have, my head hurts far too much for me not to have a hangover. Screw it, it was New Year’s Eve.
I flop down on my bed at long last, and then I remember that, oh shit, there’s still a week of holiday left, what am I gonna do? I’ve not got Alex's number, I’m gonna go crazy. I just can’t stop thinking about him, his almost pouty mouth, the way his eyes are framed by his perfect, long lashes, which, by the way, look like he uses a curler on them, he doesn’t, but still. And his adorable freckles, they look so good, just sprinkled across his cheeks, none on his nose, which makes him all the more better looking. Oh no. I did it again, I’m in love. See, I PROMISED myself I wouldn’t do this, but here I am again, wearing my heart on my sleeve, and I’m getting goose bumps. My lord.