Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Are You Okay?

My wrist is twisted painfully and I have to face whoever it is on the end of the grip. Great.
I hiss in agony and anger when I see who it is.
"Oh, so humiliating me in front of the class simply wasn't enough for you, was it? Now you have to do it in the corridor, too."
I can't believe he came after me, as if what he did wasn't bad enough, he has to torture me some more. He looks a little shocked. Maybe it was because I hissed, maybe at this strange embrace we're locked in, maybe at the accumulating crowd around us.
He lets go of me.
Things run in slow motion when something like this happens.
"I don't care how badly I hurt you, you fucking well deserved it, you cheating little bitch."
Wow, hold up there. Where in all of hell did he get that?
All I can manage to splutter is:
"Jesus. What? What the fuck do you mean? I.. Didn't... I never.... No way."
It's his turn to hiss. But in exasperation, not anger. His eyes are flashing, and the sight of this is enough to make me want to break down again.
"Don't try to deny it, you were filmed, you filthy little harlot."
A gasp gets caught in my throat producing a strangled-sounding cry.
I start choking back tears. I don't want this to be happening. I feel the stress of situation catching up to me, making me shake uncontrollably, and I start to gasp for air, clutching my sides in pain. I double over. The action does nothing.
I make a feeble attempt to stutter something. No sound escapes my trembling mouth. I try to concentrate on my breathing. I'm dimly aware of a hand on my shoulder. It takes all of my energy to look up at the person keeping me from falling. I blink in suprise, and stare at the face peering into mine worriedly. All I can ask is 'why?'
Why won't anyone answer me? I'm screaming here. No-one's making any response. I close my eyes and ope everything will go away. I flutter them open again, and everything's still there.
I feel a set of arms around me. They feel comforting. I relax into them and concentrate on breathing normally.