Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Good For You.

When I re-open my eyes, Alex has tears in his eyes, and he looks worried out of his mind.
Why is looking like that? He made like this. It's his fault. I suppose he does have the right to feel guilty. Maybe he's sorry. Maybe he just wants to save face.
"What do you want from me? In all honesty, now, what do you want from me?" I whisper hoarsely.
He looks at me with a kind smile in his eyes.
"Caitlin... I'm so sorry I was such an asshole, a real a-star jerk-off. I shouldn't have believed them when they showed me that stupid porn video that looked like you. I don't expect you to forgive me, I don't expect you to even listen, but I have to tell you this. I really, really don't deserve anyone to have anything to do with me anymore. I was so desperately cruel to you. At first, I was so wary of how I was supposed to act around you. Then I convinced myself that I was annoyed. It was easier to deal with it. Yeah, why should I have to deal with it? I was over it before I ended it right? No, I thought I was, but..... Oh, I was such a stupid, stupid guy, Caitlin. You got to my head, and made me cocky, like a drug. I'm so sorry. I love you. If you hate me, I don't even deserve an emotion that strong from you. I completely understand if you never want anything to do with me. I'm sorry."
He shifts his arms to move away from me, but I put my hands on his face, look into his eyes; trying to contemplate everything he's just told me. A huge range of emotions flash through me....
Anger, hurt, betrayal, hysteria, love, hate, love again, hurt again, confusion. Why is he telling me this now? What am I supposed to do?
I've made my choice.
"Caitlin, I am so truly sorry. But, like I said, I don't deserve for you to feel anything for me-"
"Alex, shut the fuck up."
I slap him across the face, and then he pulls me into a heart-breaking kiss.
A delicious sound rips through the crowded hall as our full-house audience bursts into applause as the curtain draws and we get up to assemble our curtain call.
The curtains re-open and we face our audience. They seem to have enjoyed themselves.
But this is only the beginning. This is our first night. If it goes well enough, we may get a sequel on our hands!