Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Totally Addicted.

Electric blue heels today. I'm wearing my trousers again, but that's because I'm being 'Perfect' today, and the shoes don't really represent a good image for the school. Also, I couldn't find my tights, or my razor. I'm really nervous, we have to show round these really important school governors, and, you know, being a year ten and everything, we're supposed to all sound really middle-class and totally suck up to them.
Please. As if they really give a shit how the school does just as long as they get their pay-check every month.
Yeah, I'm a bit pissed off, needless to say. I wouldn't mind showing these governors around if they weren't so frigging judge-mental and up themselves.
And if I wasn't missing my first drama lesson of the year.
That was hell. I had these two old guys who clearly thought the were God's gift to the school simply because they've had the job for about a hundred years, or something like that. So, I was trying to show the good parts of the school, the new building etcetera, and they were just so condescending. Grr!
Anyway, I have English right now which isn't too bad, we're studying Shakespeare at the moment, so it's easy enough. Alex is in my class, and things are so much better already, I mean, I walk in and he has a seat saved for me, he's smiling and everything! I sit down next to him, flashing my shoes as I do so.
"Don't they kill your feet?" He looks almost pained. I just smile at him and explain that he still has a lot to learn about the way shoes work. I feel like teasing him so I casually drop my hand into my bag, brushing his knee in the process. He looks up at me, surprised.
"I thought you wanted patience." Wow, he is so naive, it's almost cute!
"I do, but I didn't say anything about teasing you, did I?!" He scowls and pretends to be very interested in the blank smart board. I run my hand up his leg and whisper:
"Aww, don't be like that, sugar, you know I'm only playing." He blushes very slightly and grabs my hand, squeezing gently. I pull my hand away getting a pen and a Freddo out of my bag.
I wave the Freddo in front his face, and, unfortunately, his reflexes are too fast for me, and he manages to steal it. I pout jokingly and he looks overly guilty and gives the chocolate back. I laugh at him and throw it at him.
"I KNEW you were still addicted! Right, as usual." He pokes his tongue at me, but he keeps it anyway.
I had a note written this morning which I had planned to slip into his bag, but I think I can have so much more fun now...