Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Well Whoop-De-Doo.

Perfect duties. Again. It's only the second week, and already I've been asked to do stuff four times. I'm not complaining, mind you, but some of the things I've had to do are pretty boring.
Like, I don't know, filing copies of the new timetables. First by year, then teaching group, and then alphabetically within that group. Whoop-de-doo!
Still, I'm having a lot of fun with Alex, it's easy to wind him up, because I know what he likes! He falls for it every time, too. It's kind of sweet.
Take the other day, for instance, we were in science (groan) and we were watching this crap video, don't remember what on, but the lights were down, do I took my chance while I could, seize the day, and all that? Anyway, I had this note I wanted to give him, so I was playing around, messing with his hair, and stuff, I was pushing it back and whispering, VERY close to his ear, how sexy he looked like that, and then, while he was distracted by that, I decided to move my other hand to his pocket.
Oh man, he nearly jumped out his skin at that, not in fright, though!
That was funny....
I'm enjoying this far more than I should be. I wonder, though, if I keep doing this, will he decide he's tired of being teased? I hope he doesn't choose before next week.
It's Friday.
He doesn't have that much time, I guess.