Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Eugh. City Centres!

I spend the rest of the day in a blur, I don't have anymore lessons with him today, so I can't ask him what he wants later. I try really hard to not get my hopes up. At break, I talk to Tom, ask his advice.
"Well, I still think you could do better than him, but if it's what you want, go for it. Good things-"
"Come to those who frigging well wait, I know that! You've been telling me that forever, Luke. Thanks for making more messed up!"
"Any time, darling." That piss taker.
"Call me darling one more time..." He laughs at me, and tells me I couldn't take him even if I was as tall as him. I wish I could test that theory. Unfortunately, I don't see myself springing to 5"10 in the next few centuries!

I'm extremely glad of the fact that he can't hear my heart hammering in my chest right now. I sneak a glance at him, and thankfully, he looks just as nervous as I feel. He turns to me, and reaches for my hand.
"Caitlin, I just wanted to say that I don't want to rush you into anything. I was really nasty to you, and you deserve better than that. Please don't make a decision you'll regret."
"The only thing I regret is not telling you how much I've missed you sooner. Okay?" He looks really startled. I guess he's trying to think what to say.
For the second time today, an unbearably long silence passes between us. I stand there, feeling like an idiot. I think about the last few months, then the last few days. Did I make the right choice?
Suddenly, I feel his arms around me, crushing me in an ecstatic hug. I manage to choke out the fact that I can't actually breathe.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to suffocate you!" I nod, and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss his cheek and pull away. He takes my hand, and tugs on it a little.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you home to meet my parents!" I can't believe it, in six months, he didn't take me home once, not once. Now, he's decided it's the right time, even though I have a mountain of coursework waiting for me at home!