Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Here We Go.

I hold Alex's hand even tighter as we walk up his drive way. Yeah, he has a driveway, a really long, windy one. I look around me and try extremely hard not to swear. He has this huge garden with a bird bath, and massive hedges, and a frigging swing set, in their front garden. I kid you not.
"Oh... my... goodness. Your house is amazing." I manage to splutter. He looks faintly amused.
"Wait until we get inside." Oh no, I'm gonna make a total ass of myself, aren't I?
As we walk through the double doors, again, yeah, he has double doors, I gasp at the sight in front of us. There is a massive hallway looking onto a staircase in the middle of the tiled floor. On either side, there are massive rooms with their doors open looking into cream carpeted spots of extreme luxury. Spilling from what I assume is the living room there is the sound of a piano playing. And it's not on the radio. At the end of the hallway, there is another set of double doors open just enough to see a beautiful kitchen. It's the kind I would have in my dream,fairytale home. Unlike the 'hallway' there are gorgeous old floorboards, a lovely old oak dining table, and proper wooden units. It's amazing. I feel a little light-headed and I realise I have stopped breathng. I suck the air in again at an alarming speed. Looking around again, I notice the extravagant paintings on the walls. Some of these must be originals, surely. Alex tugs my hand, and pulls me towards the sound of the piano. I freeze, fearing that if I go any further, I'll make even more of an idiot of myself, only this time, his family will see. He tugs a little more impatiently, and I shake my head violently. He wraps his arms around me and, whispering in my ear, asks why I won't move. I explain back in a whisper. He laughs, the sound echoing, yes, echoing, around the hallway. He gives me a fleeting kiss on the mouth, making my heart go into over drive and tells me everything will be fine.
"Don't worry, they'll love you. They were angry enough that I didn't bring you here last time. And then I broke your heart. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about!"
He smiles encouragingly and tugs my hand again. I follow this time, uncertainly, but I follow anyway.
We walk into the living room, my stomach churning, my heart pounding, and I immediately see his brother, Sebastien, playing a black grand piano. His mother walks up to me, embraces me, and tells me to sit down.
"You, have a lovely home, Mrs. Burrows." At least I managed some form of communication.
She laughs, a musical sound, and thanks me.
"Well, it's wonderful to finally meet you, Caitlin. Alexei talks about you ever so much." I hope to God that she takes my smile as modesty, not laughing about Alex getting called Alexei. Alex blushes, mumbling something about being called Alex.
"So, tell us about yourself, dear, we've been dying to meet you." Oh, crap. Here they are, this totally non-dysfunctional family, with their piano, and their tiles, wanting to hear about me, are they crazy?!