Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.


"Ugh, I hate coursework." Alex laughs and grazes his fingers up my back, making it tickle.
"Don't laugh at me, you have to do it, too, you know." He jabs me in the side playfully, but still making me squirm away from him and I fall off my bed. He laughs again, and offers his hand to help me up. I scowl at him, but take it anyway.
"Are you okay?" He's not worried at all. He just wants a kiss.
"Yes, thank you, I'm fine." I state what I hope is coldly thrugh gritted teeth. He smiles that dazzling smile, and wraps his arms around my waist, making me lose my breath from his beauty. I can't help but succumb to him, and flop my arms around his neck. He leans into me, and kisses me lightly.
"Better?" I shake my head and kiss him deeper.
"Better." He smiles at me, causing me to swoon. I know where this is going to go if I don't say something.
"Alex? Can we wait a little while, please? I really have to get this done. Sorry, baby, I promise we will, but first I have to get at least two peices done. Okay?" I look straight into his eyes using my best puppy dog face. I smile sweetly, knowing he can't say no.
"Okay, but we haven't for a really long time, I suppose I can be patient. We have a lot of catching up to do." He kisses me again, and then lets me go, re-positioning us on my bed.
I try to concentrate on the Romanov essay I'm supposed to be writing, but it's not very easy with my angel sat next to me.
"Okay fine, but I'm gonna lose. I suck at Guitar Hero." A cute, impish grin spreads across his face, and he starts to set up the game. Dammit, why did I agree to let him come round today?

After two whole hours of Guitar Hero 3, I put the controller down, and admit defeat. He laughs a little, and flops down onto my bed. I saunter over and position myself on top of him, pecking his lips ever so slightly.
He pouts.
"What?" He still pouts.
"Is that all I get as a winner?" I laugh at him, shake my head and kiss him deeper.
"There you go sweetie. Better?" He nods, but he's scowling.
"What now?"
" Sweetie?" He sounds disgusted.
I smile.
"Fine, better, you hot, sexy beast?" He laugh, nodding his head fervently. Suddenly, his hand is on my thigh, causing electricity to run like fire over my skin. He hitches my thigh up to around his waist, and turns so that he's on top of me. I gasp in surprise, and he crashes his lips to mine. Mm. This is what I've wanted for so long.
I've missed him...