Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.


"Um, Alex?" He smiles at me sounding nervous. don't DO that, goddamnyou! It's only making me more nervous, as if this isn't easy enough to fuck up without me swooning to the point of feignting. (Okay, breathe,Caitlin. You can do this, it's just a few simple words, and even if he says no, don't worry, he's mature enough to keep a friednship going.)
"Yes?" Oh holy shit!
"Ok, look, I really,really like you, and I know we've only known each other for a couple of months, but, I don't want to be frinds with you. I'm sorry" Oh man, he looks so hurt, maybe he does like me!
"O-ok, can I ask why?" He's looking really hurt, though I'm sure he's trying desperately hard not to show it.
"Because I want to be more than friends with you. Oh holy fucking shit! That sounded awful! Forget I said it, I'll see you tomorrow, have a nice evening. Sorry!" I make a swift escape across the Level blushing like a cherry. It sounded so cheesy. I wish I hadn't said it. Things are going to be so awkward tomorrow. Dammit.
I have to look confident, as though I'm not at all embarassed by yesterday's ultimate fuck-up. Aaarrghh! I hope things aren't awkward.