Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.


He's here, is it seven already? Time passes quick when you're having fun, I was only getting ready. Oh well, he's here, my own personal miracle. I open the door, and he's stood leaning casually against the frame, a slow, half-smile perfecting his already beautiful face. Oh, great, I'm swooning. Again.
"Hey, you." I'm so unbelievably happy to have him around.
"Hey, babe, happy birthday. Can I come in, or will I be attacked by your clearly vicious dog?!"
Lordy, did I die and go up to heaven? I wish George, the dog, would shut up.
"I'm sorry, I forgot my manners whilst taking in your gorgeous features, of course you can come in!" I notice the present in his hands, I told him not to get me anything, him saying yes was enough, he'll throw us way out of balance now. I mean, plain little me, I've nothing to return the favour with.
"I TOLD you not to get me anything, in fact I ORDERED you not to!" He smiles, apparently amused by my bewildered scolding.
"Don't worry, it's only something little." I wish he would stop dazzling me. I can't think straight.
"Please stop doing that." He looks confused, he's so cute when he's trying to work something out.
"Doing what, guapa?" He smiles and grabs my butt playfully. Man, I can't think at all, I wish I could function properly with him around.
"Dazzling me, it's not fair, it takes me to the point of swooning, you know. And I didn't know you spoke Spanish." He starts teasing me then, putting both arms around my waist. Is he going to kiss me?
"I didn't realize I 'dazzled you,' as you put it. I'm very sorry, ma'am." Cheeky bastard, he smiles again, subsequently dazzling me in the process. Then he uses one hand to stroke my back, the other to lead me in a sort of waltz, I didn't know he knew how to dance.

WOW! I look up into his black orbs to see him staring back interestedly.
"What?" I can barely speak.
"Oh, nothing, I was just thinking about how incredible you look in that dress." I blush then and thank him, I'm wearing the bridesmaid's dress I wore to my Mum's wedding. I know it seems a little excessive to wear a bridesmaid's dress to a party, but, who cares? He likes it.

My arms seem a little stiff and he casually flops them around his neck, one of his hands slidig over the silk of my dress and closer to my ass. Oh, God, I love that. I must have moaned a little, or something, because he starts to kiss my face, first my cheek, then my nose, my mouth and moves down to my neck. My heart's thumping, how can he not hear it?
"Mmm. Keep doing that."
"What? This?" He asks playfully and nibbles my neck a little, that's gonna leave a mark, but I don't care, not in this state of bliss. He wraps his arm more tightly around my waist and leads me somewhere I don't see because I'm going backwards.

I understand when he softly pushes me against the wall, and his kisses become harder and almost more urgent. He pushes his hips against mine and I gasp a little, either from lack of air, or the delight of it, I don't know which. His mouth finds my neck again, and this time he finds my spot, I groan in pleasure and grab his hand, telling him we should go upstairs. He seems eager, but not in a creepy way. We run up the stairs excitedly, almost hungry in the way we catch each other's eyes, Oh, who am I kidding? We're this eager because we're a pair of incredibly horny teenagers who, for the moment, at least, have a house to themselves.

Fuck. There's the door. Ruin my fun, why don't you? I mean, um, I'm delighted to see whoever it is.