Sequel: I'll Never Look Back.

Ouch. I Think I Love You.

Take Off My Shirt

"Mm" I groan into our kiss. He's pulling away, why is he pulling away?
"You like that, sugar?" Aww, damn I love it when he talks like that.
"You bet, let's go upstairs."
"I was waiting to hear you say that." He surprises me then, by lifting me up and carrying me upstairs. he gently flops me on the bed, and leans over me, making my heart do flip-flops. At first, his kisses are soft, then they become more urgent, passionate. I start to stand up and he pushes me against the door.
"Mmm, Alex?"
"Yeah, baby?" Horny!
"Take off my shirt. Please." He looks at me, puzzled.
"What? Are you sure?" Just do it.
"Just do it, or I'll do it myself, if you'd prefer." His eyes light up then.
"No, it's ok, I can handle it."
He starts slowly, carefully undoing the first button, kissing the part of my neck which is constantly bruised.
"Do you want me to keep going?" What?
"Yes, I want you to keep fucking going. Because the truth is Alex, I want to have sex with you, and you're a fucking tease!"
Now he looks taken aback at my abruptness. Shit.
"Fine." He eases one hand up my back and undoes the rest of the buttons with one hand and a sense of urgency.