The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 1

She sat in her seat, staring out the school window, deep in thought. When all of a sudden there is a loud bang on the front of her desk. She immediately snapped out of it and stared blankly at the teacher standing over her.
"Pay attention! I don’t waste my time on kids who don’t even listen!" The teacher snapped.
"Sorry Ma'am." She replied. She sat straight up in her seat and started paying attention to the teacher. When the ending bell rang, She grabbed her books and ran out of the class room. She ran as fast as she could until she got home. Dropping her books on the floor, she ran up to her room to quickly get changed and go out with her friend Diane. She quickly re-applied her make up before Diane pulled into the drive way. Right when she finished there was the sound of a horn beeping.
"Coming!" She yelled out her window, before grabbing her purse and racing down the stairs. She left a note for her mom since she was still at work. Slipping on her converse and grabbing a pack of gum she raced out the front door to the car.
"Hey. How come you left school so early?" Diane asked.
"I don’t know, I just wanted to leave early." Belle replied.
"Do you think he will be there today?" She asked.
"I don’t know...But I sure hope he is." Belle said laughing a little. Diane turned on the radio, so the rest of the ride there was silent. They finally arrived 15 minutes later.

Belle's POV

I was pretty eager to go in side. Diane could tell I was too. We walked into the mall and walked past the food court.
"Ahh! Yikes!! Diane, Hide me!!" I yelled hiding behind her and covering my face with her long black hair.
"Belle! Calm down! He can't see you, But if you keep acting like this he will." She said pushing me away. I stood up and started walking beside her "normally" again. She just looked at me and laughed.
"Why don’t you just go up there and talk to him?" She asked.
"Because! I can’t! I'm to Shy." I answered, blushing a little.
"Uggh! Fine, By doing that you will never get to know him better." She told me.
"Well...I will talk to him, but only when I'm ready to. And I'm not ready yet." I said. She nodded her head, understanding that I had said.
"Oh Diane, I want to talk to him so badly, But I cant...I just cant do it." I said, a few tears running down my cheek. We slowly passed his work before we went and bought a few things. We came back about 20 minutes later to get something to drink.
"Can you go and get it? I don’t want to." Diane said.
"But, But....Uggh! fine, what do you want?" I asked her.
"Ummm...Hmmm. I think I want a peach juice." She said smirking.
"Awe...Why me!" I said hitting myself on the head. She laughed and handed me her money.
"Thanks, I want a small." She yelled after me. I stuck my hand behind me and gave her a thumbs up sign. I slowly walked up to where he worked. I walked up there and waited to be served. He came over and took my order.
"Hey, What can I get fro you today?" Ryan said smiling. Just from hearing his voice, I started to get really nervous. The palms of my hands started to sweat.
"Umm...Two small peach drinks please." I managed to say.
"That will be $3.95." He told me. I handed him a $5 dollar bill.
"From five. $1.05 is you're change." He said handing me the change, touching the tip of my hand. I bit my lip to keep myself from freaking out.
"Here is you're drinks. See you later." He smiled.
"Yeah, See you later." I whispered, before running back to Diane.

She sat there grinning.
"So, How was it?" She asked.
"EMBARESSING!!! I couldn't even talk!" I stated, slumping down on the chair.
"Aweee, You're not going to die." She said. I rolled my eyes and handed her, her drink. We quickly finished up our drinks and left.
"Oh Belle, I need some more cloths for school. Want to come shopping with me on Thursday?" Diane asked.
"Yeah, I'll come with you." I answered her.
"Thanks, I just HATE going by myself." She told me.
"Yeah I know, You tell me that every time." I laughed.
"Ohh, Haha right." She said, also laughing.
"Let me drive home." I said snatching the keys from her.
"You better be a good driver, my mom would kill me if we scratched her car." She said.
"Okay, I wont scratch it." I told her. She nodded her head. We climbed in to the car and drove off.
"Okay, You're a better driver then me! From now you're driving any were we go." She told me.
"Ahha! Okay, I'll drive from now on." I answered.
"Here, put this on." I added passing her a CD. She looked at it.
"My Chemical Romance...Okay, I love them!" She said putting it into the cd player and turning it full blast. She started singing along. I just laughed and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.

When we finally pulled into my house I grabbed me bags, hugged her goodbye and watched her pull out of the drive way. I went inside put my stuff in my room and went back down stairs to go on the computer. Sadly no one was on. I checked my messages then got off and studied. I was past out by 11:30, my mom came in took my book from me, covered me up then turned the light off.
"Night sweetie." She whispered before closing the door.