The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 10

When we arrived at the restraunt we both walked in. He slowly reached down and laced his fingers with mine, I looked up at him and smiled.
He leaned over and was about to kiss me when Spencer and Diane walked up.
"Hey guys what’s..." Spencer said. Me and Ryan both looked at him and Diane.
"Oops...Did we interrupt you guys?" Diane asked. We looked at each other and blushed.
"Umm...No." I quietly said.
"Okay good, for a minute I thought we had." Diane laughed. She turned around turned around and walked through the doors with Spencer. Me and Ryan followed behind them.
The waitress came over and sat at a table. Me and Diane sat beside each other. Ryan was across the table from me and Spencer across from Diane.

A few minutes later the waitress came over to get us drinks.
"I'll have a Watermelon Daiquiri." I told her.
"Umm....I'll have a Strawberry Daiquiri." Diane said. She nodded her head and them both down.
"And what about you to?" She said looking at Ryan and Spencer.
"I'll get a coke." Spencer said.
"And I will have a...Lime Daiquiri." Ryan told her.
"Dude! you all are having daiquiris! I feel left out!" Spencer said.
"Then change it and get one." I laughed.
"I will." He said glaring at me. That only made me laugh more. He rolled his eyes and looked back up at the waitress.
"Sorry for the confusion, but I'll get a....Peach Daiquiri." He said. She nodded and left before we could change our minds.
"I guess tonight is Daiquiri night." Spencer laughed.
"Spencer you are retarded!" Ryan said.
"How so!!" He asked.
"Well...You dance to that song...umm whats it called....'Gay Bar'" I said laughing.
"Pfft! So! That song is a cool!" He stated. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Here’s you're 4 Daiquiri’s" The waitress said setting them all down in front of us.
"Thanks." I smiled. She mouthed no problem, but before she walked away she took one long glance at Ryan. I gave her a weird look and disappeared behind the counter...but not for long, Her and her friend poked their heads out from behind. She pointed at Ryan and the both started giggling.

A few minutes later she returned.
"So what will you guys be having tonight?" She asked.
"Umm...We will be sharing a plate of Nacho's" Spencer said referring to him and Diane. She nodded her head and wrote it down.
"And what about you?" She asked Ryan.
"The same thing as them." He said. She smiled and quickly wrote it down. She grabbed the menus from us and this time before she left she looked over at Ryan and winked.
"What the hell is wrong with her!" I thought. I swear she was checking him out and flirting with him!
"Belle, You look a little angry, What’s wrong?" Ryan asked.
"Hmm...Ohh! Nothing's wrong, I'm not angry, I'm perfectly fine." I smiled.
"Okay, but if there is anything wrong, Tell me please." He told me.
"Kay, I will." I said.
"So Ryan...I haven’t known you very long, What do you like to do?" Diane asked.
"Well, I like to write, I like photography, and I LOVE to play Guitar." He smiled.
"Hmm really, That sounds allot like Belle." She smiled.
"You like guitar! I didn't know that." He said.
"What! I thought you did, weren’t you giving her guitar lessons?" Spencer asked looking a little confused. I shot a look at Ryan.
"Ohh right! I forgot! My mistake." He said laughing.
"Oh no! Ryan, I uhh lost my bracelet outside, Do you think you could help me find it?" I asked motioning towards the door. He looked at me and nodded. We got out of our seats and walked out the doors.
"What was Spencer talking about?" He asked.
"Well you remember that day you came over to my house?" I asked.
"Yeah I remember." He said.
"Well when you left I asked Spencer to tell me where you lived, and he asked why, so I told him that you were giving me guitar lessons. I didn't really want to tell him the real reason." I said
"Ohh...I wouldn't have wanted to either." He said.
"Okay so lets go inside now, I'm cold." I said shivering a little. He nodded his head and we walked inside.
"Well this sucks, I cant find it." I said sitting back down.
"That’s shitty." Spencer said. I nodded my head.
"So Spencer, have you still been playing drums?" Ryan asked.
"Heck yes!! Me and the guys have been trying to get a band together, but we cant find a guitarist...well we do have one, but we want one that doesn't sing at the same time." He said.
"Spencer...What about Ryan?" I asked.
"Hey!! That’s a perfect idea! What do you say Ryan?" He asked.
"Of course! I have some stuff written that we could use." He smiled.
"Great! I'll tell the guys tonight." Spencer said. Ryan nodded. Just then the waitress brought out our food. She set them down in the middle of the table and was about to say somthing to Ryan when her boss called her. She sighed and walked away.
"Saved by the boss." I mumbled.
"Hmm what did you say?" Ryan asked.
"Oh me? Nothing. I didn't say anything." I answered. I reached over and grabbed a chip and shoved it into my mouth. We all started eating. When we were done the waitress came back over.
"Here is you're bills. I hope you enjoyed dinner." She smiled. I looked up at her and smiled. We all got up and walked to the till. Spencer paid for his and Diane's bill and Ryan paid for ours. When it was Ryan's turn to pay the waitress smiled.
"So...I'm uhh...On my brake, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?" She asked Ryan.
"Great Idea! Belle, Do you want to come for a walk with me." He said smiling. I smiled back and nodded my head.
"We'll come to." Spencer and Diane said. He kissed me on the cheek, grabbed my hand and walked out.

When we were outside we all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"She was fucking creepy!" Ryan laughed.
"I know! She kept on winking at you." I said. He shivered.
"CREEPO!!" He yelled as we were walking away. We all started laughing again. We all decided to go for a walk along the beach.
"I want ICE CREAM!" Diane stated as we walked past the ice cream parlor. We all laughed and nodded our heads and walked in. Spencer and Diane ordered theirs and paid. Me and Ryan then ordered ours, he was about to pay when I stopped him.
"I dont think so! Its my turn this time." I said pushing him away and passing the lady at the till a 5 dollar bill. I grabbed my ice cream and turned around and walked out after Diane and Spencer. Ryan grabbed his and ran after me.
"What kind did you get?" I asked him.
"Cookies and Cream. What about you?" He asked.
"Yumm..I got Chocolate Peanut Butter." I told him. He dipped his spoon into his ice cream and handed it to me.
"Thank you." I smiled. I ate it and handed him mine. He shook his head and handed it back.
"No thanks, I like mine." He said.
"I like yours too." I laughed. I dipped my spoon into his cup and took some more, handed Diane my ice cream and ran off. He shoved his ice cream and Spencer and chased after me. When he caught up with me he grabbed me around the waist. I tripped over his foot and fell to the ground bringing him down with me.
"Aweee! Dont they just look adorable together." Diane said smiling. Spencer nodded. Then Ryan started tickling me.
"Ahhh! Ryan stop, that tickles." I laughed.
"What? You want me to keep tickling you." He said, laughing.
"No! Stop tickling me!" I said, crying from laughing so hard. I finally was able to push him off of me. I jumped up and took off running back towards Spencer and Diane.
"Help me!" I said, laughing.
"Hmm I dont know if I can, I dont think I'm strong enough to save you." Diane said.
"Uggh! You guys are hopeless." I told them. I flopped down and sprawled out across the grass. Ryan came over and sat down beside me.
"I'm kind of cold." I said, shivering.
"Here, Take my jacket. We can go if you want." Ryan said, handing me his hoodie.
"Thanks, If you want to we can stay." I said.
"It doesn't matter to me, what ever you want to do I'm fine with." He said.
"Well I dont care, You pick." I said.
"No, You pick." He answered.
"But I told you to pick." I told him.
"Yeah, and I'm saying for you to pick, So you're picking, end of story." He stated.
"Okay, Lets stay here for a bit longer." I said.
"Kay...Where did Spencer and Diane go?" He asked.
"I have no clue. But lets walk, I'm bored." I answered. He nodded his head and started walking away.
"Ryan, Am I walking with you or am I walking by myself?" I asked him. He turned around and looked at me.
"What do you think." He answered. I smiled and ran up beside him. I laced my fingers with his and started walking.
"So about today, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"Well...I dont really know how I'm feeling. My emotions are all over the place. All the things that have happened today, I'm just confused about it all." I answered.
"What about tonight? Was it alright?" He asked me.
"Alright No...Wonderful Yes!" I answered smiling. We closed the gap between each other and lightly kissed. The shitty thing about it was that we were near the water, and a wave came crashing down on both of us. Damn wave!! It ruined every thing!!
"R-R- Ryan, I'm F-Freezing. Can we go home now?" I asked shivering.
"Y- Yeah, I'm S-So cold." He answered. We turned around and walked back to the car. As I was climbing in, I spotted Spencer and Diane.
"Ryan one second. I'll be right back." I said, jumping out of the car. I ran towards them.
"Hey guys, we're leaving. See you later." I said.
"Okay, Tell Ryan that I'll tell the guys about him joining the band." Spencer said.
"Kay, I'll make sure I tell him. Bye." I said turning around and waving. I walked back to the car and climbed in. He pulled out of the parking spot and drove me home.

Once at my house he pulled up at the curb and walked me to the door. I unlocked the door and turned around.
"I had lots of fun tonight Ryan, We should do it again some time." I said smiling.
"Definitely." Was his answer. He kissed me goodnight and I walked into my house. I shut the door behind me and locked it. Then I remembered what I had to tell Ryan.
"Ryan wait!!" I yelled, swinging the door open and running down the drive way. He turned around and looked at me.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Spencer told me to tell you that He's telling the guys tonight about you joining the band." I answered.
"Okay, That’s it?" He said.
"No...This is it." I said standing the tip of my toes and quickly kisses him. He pulled away and smiled.
"Night. I'll call you tomorrow." He said before climbing into the car.
"Okay. Night Ryan." I said. I waved goodbye and turned around and walked back into the house. I re-locked the door and went up stairs and got changed into my pajama’s, then went to bed feeling Great