The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 14

"Ryan I......I.....Of Course!!" I said smiling.
"Really! I didn’t think you would say yes." He blushed.
"Of course I would Ryan!" I told him.
He just smiled.
I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"Are you coming in or are you going back to the others?" I asked him.
"Ummm...I'll come in with you." He answered.
"Okay. Want to watch a movie?" I asked.
"Okay. What one?" He answered.
"It doesn't matter to me. You pick." I said.
He nodded his head and we both walked in.
I sat on the couch while he went threw all the movies. When he finally found one he put it into the DVD player and pushed play.
He came over and sat on the other side of the couch.
I gave him a weird look and laughed but still didn't move over.
"Pfft! Fine! I'll watch by myself. I dont need anyone." I said crossing my arms.
"Okay. Have fun over there....all by yourself, on that lonely side." He said.
"Dont worry I will." I mumbled. I faced the T.V. and started watching....And just my luck.
It was the movie I hated.
It was the one that ALWAYS scared me.
I let out a scream and jumped a little.
"Ahha! Are you okay?" He laughed.
"Yes! I'm actually doing fine...all by myself...on this....dark side of the couch." I answered.
He rolled his eyes and moved over into the middle of the couch.
"Is that as far as your going?" I asked.
"Yeah...that’s as far as I'm going." He answered.
"Ohh...okay then." I said.
He moved back over to the corner of the couch.
I moved over and lied down in front of him.
He wrapped his arm around me and we continued to watch the movie.

I guess I had ended up falling asleep.
I woke up and the movie was over,
all the lights were turned off and there was a blanket wrapped around me and Ryan.
I lifted his arm off me and slowly got up, he yawned and opened up one eye, then the other.
"Where are you going?" He asked in a sleepy voice.
"I'm getting changed out of my cloths then coming back." I answered him. He nodded his head, closed his eyes and rolled over and went back to sleep.
I smiled and quietly walked up the stairs. I got changed into a baggy shirt and a pair of boxers.
I walked back down the stairs, put my dirty cloths in the basket and went back over to the couch.
The couch where Ryan was taking up all the room.
"Ryan, Move over. I cant get on." I whispered into his ear.
He was still asleep.
He didn't move a muscle.
I rolled my eyes and decided to go on the computer for a while.
I came back a half an hour later to find him still asleep, but drenched in sweat.
he sounded like he was mumbling something, but I couldn't quite make it out.
"Ryan....Ryan wake up!" I said shaking him.
"Don't leave me!" He screamed.
He sat straight up and started breathing heavily.
"Ryan....Are you alright?" I asked.
He looked at me and wrapped me in an enormous hug.
"Your not gone." He sighed.
"What are you talking about?" I asked him.
"Me...I was leaving you. I was going on a plane and you were running away and crying, You were leaving me." He answered.
"That will never come true. Why would I be running away and crying, why would I leave you? And what would you be going on a plane for?" I asked.
"I don't know, but I was getting on to a plane, and all my bags were packed." He answered.
"Awe....Come on, lets go back to bed and maybe you'll forget about it." I said.
He nodded his head and moved over so I could get on the couch.
I cuddled up to him and slowly drifted back to sleep.