The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 16

One we were parked the door swung open and every one climbed out except one person...I bet you can guess who that was!
"Belle! come one! Lets go." Ryan said.
I shook my head.
"No, I'm not getting out." I said.
"Please...Come out for me." He said smiling a corny smile.
"Ohh alright...But only for you." I answered.
"Yay! Lets go." He said grabbing my hand and running down the path the others had gone.
"Umm....what way did they go?" He asked stopping to think.
"I have no clue...Umm...lets try this one." I said pointing to a skinny trail. He nodded his head and we resumed walking. When the trail ended there was no one there. It was a big empty field.
"Well I guess we should turn around and go the other way." Ryan said turning around and walking. I let go of his hand.
"No...Lets stay here for a bit." I said.
"There's nothing out here. Why do you wanna stay?" He asked.
"I dont know...I want to look around." I answered.
He nodded his head and turned back around.
We walked into the field.
The grass was about up to my chest.
I ended up tripping on something and falling,
I brought Ryan down with me.

"This is comfy." I laughed as I fell on to him.
"Yeah well not for me...I'm laying on a stick or something." He said.
"Ohh! Sorry." I answered getting up. He sat up and moved the stick and layed back down. I plopped down beside him.
"I'm bored." I said.
"Same with me...wanna go back?" He asked.
"Okay, sure." I answered. He stood up and held his hand out. I grabbed it and jumped up...but then screamed.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! SOMETHINGS GOT ME!!!!" I yelled.
Ryan started freaking out when I started crying.
He went down to his knees and looked at my leg.
"Ewwww!!! There's a snake wrapped around your ankle." He exclaimed.
"Get it off! Get it off!!" I cried.
"Okay, Okay. Just stand still." He told me.
I whipped the tears from my eyes and stood still as he took it off.
When he was finished he stood up and held it above the grass to show me.
"Ewww!! that thing is fucking 4 feet long!!" I screamed.
Ryan just laughed as he dropped it.
Once it hit the ground it slithered towards me again.
I screamed and jumped on Ryan, wrapping my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall.
"I'm not fucking walking threw this." I said, crying.
He nodded his head and wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall.
He turned around and walked down the path way and this time, took the right way!

I was still crying when we got to the others.
"What’s wrong!?!" They all asked.
"She was attacked...By a Snake." Ryan answered.
"Yeah but it was fucking 4 feet long!" I exclaimed.
"What exactly happened?" Brendon asked.
"It liked wrapped around her foot and wouldn't let go, then when I got it off I dropped it and it like went for her again and she's been wrapped around me since." Ryan said.
"Aweee...poor Belle....but lets go swimming now." Emily said.
Every one nodded their head and jumped in.
"Ahh!! Dont put me down!! Its gonna eat me!" I screamed as Ryan tried to put me on the ground.
"Uggh! Go get changed into your bathing suit." He answered.
I nodded my head and hesitated as I went down and walked behind a tree.
I came out a few minutes later in my bathing and jumped right back on Ryan.
"Am I supposed to walk into the water with you?" He asked.
"Yupp...That’s my plan." I laughed.
He rolled his eyes and started walking.
When he was about waist deep,
he picked me up and threw me in.
I screamed until I was under the water and couldn't talk.
I swam back up to the surface and started freaking.
"Ahh!! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck...Its fucking cold!!" I yelled.
I quickly swam back over and jumped on Ryan's back.
He tried to dunk me again.
"If I go down your coming there with me." I said before we were both dunked under the water by Brendon, Spencer and Jon.
"Holy shit that’s cold!" Ryan said.
"meh...not really anymore." I answered.
"Its cause your used to it now." He said.
I nodded my head and laughed.
We both swam to the middle of the river where there was a giant rock.
I jumped up and sat on it.
"I feel like Ariel from The Little Mermaid." I said.
Every body looked at me and laughed.
"What! I do!." I answered.