The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 17

I finally got bored of sitting on the rock so I jumped into the water again.
"Guys! Lets actually do somthing." I said complaining.
"Okay." Brendon said grinning. He climbed up on the rock and jumped off, landing on me.
I was pushed under the water and down to the bottom.
I could feel the rocks on the bottom scrape across my side and down my leg.
I went to push off the bottom when my foot sunk, I had gotten stuck in between to rocks and I was running out of air.
Brendon came up to the surface laughing.
"Where's Belle!!" Ryan asked.
"She's right here. Behind me." Brendon answered.
"You must be retarded then...Cause she's not behind you." Spencer said. Brendon turned around and gasped.
Then bubbles started coming up to the surface.
Ryan went ballistic.
"What the hell! She's fucking stuck down there!! Oh my god! Its all my fault! Its all my fault that she’s stuck down there." Ryan said, crying.
"Ryan! Calm down! We'll get her. She'll come up." Sunny said.
He shook his head,
"No! I'm going to get her." He said before diving down.

Ryan's POV

My eyes were stinging from keeping them open under the water but I was determined to get her up.
When I saw her I gasped.
Her foot was caught,
And she was struggling to pull it free.
I quickly swam over beside her.
I went down to her leg and grabbed her ankle.
I looked up at her and she nodded.
I then focused my attention on the rock and her foot.
Pulling her foot up, I kicked the rock.
It slightly moved, just enough to squeeze her foot through.
I grabbed her and swam up to the surface.
She emerged from the water with a long breath...then she passed out.
"Oh shit!" I screamed.
Everyone swam over and helped me take her to shore.
Once at the shore I layed her down on a towel.
"What do I do?" I asked every one.
"Well...First of all check if she's breathing." Sunny said. I nodded my head and went down to her chest and sure enough, She was breathing.
"Okay, She's breathing. What next?" I said.
"Umm....Try and wake her up?" Emily said.
I looked up and went over to her side.
Putting my hands on her shoulders I lightly shook her and wispered into her ear.
She finally started moving.
I sighed with relief and collapsed on her.