The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 19

Sunny's POV

Later that night I was getting ready for my date with Brendon.
I picked out a nice black dress and black heals.
I put on make up and did my hair.
Right when I put the brush down there was a knock on the door.
I smiled into the mirror and ran down the steps to the door.
I quickly swung it open.
"Hi ba......."
"Are you Sunny?" The man asked.
I nodded my head.
"Your boyfriend...He's been in a terrible car crash." He answered.
My eyes immediately started watering and tears came pouring out.
"I-Is he alright?" I asked.
The man just looked at me and motioned me to follow him.

All the way to the hospital I was bawling my eyes out.
I couldn't believe it!
I couldn't believe that he was in a fucking car crash.
When he pulled up along the curb I swung the door and ran inside.
"M-My boyfriend...He was in a car crash...what room is he in?" I asked.
"Name please." The secretary said.
"Brendon...Brendon Urie." I answered.
She nodded her head and looked down on a paper.
"Room 212." She said smiling.
"Thanks." I said as I ran up the stairs.
At the room the door was closed and I could hear crying coming from it.
I slowly opened the door to see Belle sitting cross legged beside him bawling her eyes out.
"Brendon! Wake up!!" She cried.
"Brendon!" She screamed. "Wake up!!!" But he didn't move.
He didn't even flinch.
I slowly walked in and put a hand on her shoulder.
She looked up at me, her eyes filled with sorrow and grief.
"W-what exactly happened?" I asked.
She still just stared at me, not saying a word, tears running down her cheeks.
"O-Okay…I wont ask.......Umm....Where's Ryan?" I asked her.
"Stairs....Questions.....Doctor...." She mumbled.
"I dont understand." I said.
"He's down stairs, the doctor is asking him a few questions." She answered.
I nodded my head and sat down in a seat.
"How long have you been here for?" I asked her.
"A few minutes after he came in." She answered.
"Umm....I think I'm going to leave...I cant be here any longer." Belle said. She got off the bed and left the room.
I felt really bad for her...I know how much she cares about him.
I sat down on the bed and cuddled up next to him.

Belle's POV

I raced down the stairs, bumping into Ryan.
I immediately fell and started tumbling.
I landed and hit my head on the wall.
"OH MY GOD!" Ryan yelled as he raced down the stairs.
He came down beside me.
"Belle my love…are you alright?" He asked.
I rubbed my head and looked up at him.
"Yeah...I'm alright." I answered.
"I'm SOOOOO sorry!" He said hugging me.
"Its okay.....Can we go though...I dont like being here." I said, crying.
"But...I wanted to go check on Brendon." Ryan answered.
I sighed and nodded my head.
"Okay...Lets go." I said walking back up the stairs to Brendon's room.
When I got there Sunny was crying....but she as also smiling.
I looked to see Brendon's eyes opened and he was attempting to smile.
I screamed and ran over.
I lunged on the bed and wrapped my arms around him.
He hugged me back.
"Oh my god! Your alright! I thought you weren't going to be okay." I said crying again.
"Hey... Please stop crying. I'm fine." He answered, whipping the tears off my cheek.
Sunny looked a little jealous so I got off the bed.
"Okay...I'm just glad your alright." I answered.
He looked up and smiled.
"Umm…Ryan...Can we go now?" I asked. He nodded his head.
"I'll see you later Brendon...Ohh and Sunny!" I said waving.
Sunny waved and forced out a smile while Brendon attempted to wave.
I let out a little laugh as I left the room.
"Belle....I have a question for you." Ryan said pulling me over to the wall.
"Okay...What is it?" I said.
"Well....Do you still have feelings for Brendon?" He asked.
"Of course not!! Why do you say that!!" I said.
"Well....Just the way you act around him....I think you do still have feelings...Belle I..."
"Ryan!! I dont have feelings for him! Me and him are over! I dont like him...Your the one I have feelings for." I answered.
He forced a smile.
"Okay..." He said. I started walking ahead.
Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me!
Why cant I make up my mind!?!

On the way back home I ran away from Ryan.
I wanted to be left alone for the rest of they day.
"Belle! Where are you going!" He yelled after me.
I didn't turn around, I just ran faster.
"Belle!! Are you mad at me or something!!" Ryan yelled, chasing after me.
Still I didn't answer.
I kept on running.
He finally started to catch up with me.
He wrapped his arms around me,
pulling me to the ground.
I struggled to get away.
"Belle! What’s wrong with you all of a sudden! Its like you hate me." He said.
I stopped moving and looked at him.
"Ryan, Its not that....Its just that I don’t deserve you!" I cried.
"What do you mean by that..." He asked.
"I mean by I dont deserve you....I dont love you like I should." I sobbed.
"What....So your saying that you dont like me?" He asked again.
"No Ryan! I LOVE you....but....I-I....*sighs* never mind. You wouldn't understand." I answered.
"Ohh....I get where this is going...You still have a thing for Brendon don't you. How did I know that this was coming! I knew it was too good to be true!" He said before getting up and walking off.
I just sat there...listening to him cry a few feet ahead.
"Ryan....please just listen to me..." I said.
"No! Just leave me alone right now." He yelled.
I started bawling.
This was the first fight that we had EVER had.
I put my head in my hands and cried.
My sweater and my pants were wet with tears.
He slowly turned around and gasped.
Then slowly made his way back over to me and sat down.
He gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.
"I'm sorry...This fight is all my fault...I didn't mean to make you cry." He said, looking me in the eye.
" shouldn't be sorry. Its my fault we're fighting...and I'm sorry for making you cry too." I answered.
"Please lets never fight again." He said.
I nodded my head and smiled.
"So umm.....About this fight...lets just say it never happened." I said.
He nodded his head.
"And maybe we both should take a break from hanging around with Brendon...You know, just to cool off and stuff." He added.
"Okay...Sounds fine to me." I said.
He sighed.
"What’s wrong?" I asked.
"Ohh nothing...except the fact that your beautiful." He smiled.
My cheeks went red.
"Heehee...thanks." I giggled.
"No problem." He answered. I stood up and started walking towards the park.
"Where are you going?" He asked. I turned around.
"To the park...I wanna go on the swings." I laughed.
"Kay, I'm coming too!" He said getting up and running after me.