The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 4

The next morning I was awoken to the phone being thrown on to my bed.
"Sweetie, the phones for you." My mom said.
"Uggh!" I said reaching over and grabbing it.

*Phone Conversation.*

Me: Hello?
Brendon: Did I wake you up?
Me: No, my mom did. *yawns* what’s up?
Brendon: Meh, nothing really. What time to you want to go to the mall today though?
Me: Umm...How about after school you come over to my place, I get changed fix my make up and then we can go.
Brendon: Okay, fine with me. See you in an hour.
Me: Okay, bye.
Brendon: Bye *hangs up*

*End pf Phone Conversation.*

I hung up the phone, jumped out of bed and did the same thing as yesterday morning. Got ready, ate and waited for Brendon. Today he came a bit earlier, but that didn't bother me. I jumped into the car and did my seat belt up.
"Oh my god! I've gone to the mall three times this week!" I said, laughing a little.
"And its all because you want to go and see Ryan." Brendon laughed.
"Awee shut up Brendon!" I said punching him in the arm.
:Ouch! That hurt you know." He said rubbing where I had hit him. I laughed at him then stared out the window for the rest of the drive. When we pulled into the parking lot I jumped out and ran ahead inside. Brendon ran in after me. He found me sitting on the floor, leaning on my locker.
"What’s wrong now?" He asked.
"What I saw yesterday, That’s what’s wrong." I told him.
"It'll be fine! It probably wasn't his girlfriend anyways." Brendon said.
"You sure?" I asked.
"I'm positive." He said. I smiled and got up and went to class.

The rest of the day went a bit better. But it was pretty much all the same.

*At The Mall With Brendon*

"Ahh! Brendon he's here!" I said quickly moving to the other side of him.
"Lets go walk past so you can see you're lover." He laughed.
"Brendon, Shut up!" I said punching him again.
"Ouch!! Jeeze! Why did it have to be in the same spot as last time!" He said grabbing his arm again.
"Oops, Sorry. It just gets really annoying when you do that. And I don’t wanna walk past, I'm only thirsty." I told him.
"Kay, I'll be up with you in a minute." He said bending over to tie his shoe lace. I nodded my head and walked ahead. Ryan came over to the till.
"Hey, I saw you yesterday. You ran away before I could ask you something..." He stopped talking though. I looked Behind me and saw Brendon walking up.
"Hey, So do you know what you want yet?" I asked Brendon.
"Umm...Actually no, I don’t." Brendon said looking up at the menu.
"Ummm...Sorry but I have to go. My shift is over and umm...yeah...bye." Ryan said turning around and running out the back door.
"What was that about?" I asked Brendon.
"I don’t know." He said shrugging his shoulders. We turned around and left to go shopping.

I bought a few pairs of skinny jeans, a couple jean skirts and a black zip up sweater. Brendon bought a pair of black jeans and a pair of blue jeans, a dark blue V-neck shirt, and a light purple hoodie.
"Ahaha! Nice down.
"I like it, Is it a problem to wear purple?" He asked.
"Heh heh, no...Its Brendon, What’s with the purple?!" I asked him, holding on to the wall so I wouldn't fall just that its you wearing purple. You don’t seem like the purple kind of guy." I said.
"Reality check Belle, My car is purple!" He said.
"Heehee...It looks like a fucking purple jelly bean!" I said laughing even harder now.
"Yeah well that purple jelly bean gets you to school on time!" He said.
"True, okay well I think I'm going to stop now." I said covering my mouth so that I would stop laughing. He rolled his eyes and we walked back out to his car.

Thinking nothing of what happened today, I trudged up stairs to my room after being dropped off. I had a quick shower then jumped out and went down stairs to get some cloths. With only a towel wrapped around me I walked to the laundry room when my mom called me.
"Belle hunny, There is some one here to see you." She yelled.
"Okay!" I yelled back. Thinking it was only Diane, I walked out to the living room, but boy was I wrong!! Sitting on my couch was Ryan, and there I was standing in front of him with only a towel on. His eyes went wide in shock.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!" I screamed running up the stairs, and leaving a shocked Ryan sitting there thinking about what had just happened.
"Oh my god! What the hell is he doing here!" I said to myself as I applied make up and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and slipped on the first thing I grabbed, a tube top.
"Uggh! What ever, this will have to do." I said jumping up and running down the stairs. By the time I was back down stairs Ryan was still sitting there in shock.
"Uhhh....Sorry about that. I hope I didn't embarrass you." I said sitting on a chair across from him.
"Umm...No, I was just a little shocked." He said blushing a little.
"so what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well...I needed to ask you something." He said.
"Okay, What is it?" I asked him.
"Well...about today, Is Brendon you're boyfriend?" He asked.
"No...Well we used to date...When I was in grade 6 until like grade 9, But we are over now. We have been for 2 years. Why?" I asked him.
"Well...I....I ummm....uhhh...I..."
"Ryan, Spit it out." I said.
"Well...What’s the point. It probably doesn't even matter to you." He said getting up off the couch and walking out the door.
"Ryan Wait!!" I yelled getting up and running after him. He was already half way down the street by the time I was at the end of the drive way.
"Uggh! Ryan!" I yelled running after him. I finally caught up with him.
"Ryan, Just tell me." I said. He nodded his head. He placed his hands on my shoulders, enclosed the space between us and pressed his lips against mine. A few seconds later he turned around and ran away. I just stood there, shocked. I was trying to put everything together in my mind when it hit me.

I ran over to Spencer’s house since he used to be in a band with Ryan, I thought he might know where he lived. I ran up his drive way and up to the door. His mom answered. I could hear some one playing drums down stairs in the basement.
"Hi, Is Spencer home?" I asked.
"Yup, Just one second." She said turning around and walking down the hallway.
"SPENCER!! The door is for you!" She yelled.
"Okay, I'm coming." He yelled. Then the drums stopped. He came to the door and smiled.
"What’s up?" He asked.
"Nothing much, But I have a favor to ask you." I said.
"Okay what is it?" He asked coming out side and shutting the door behind him.
"Well...Since you were in a band with Ryan before...Do you think you could tell me were he lives?" I asked him.
"Sure, He actually lives right down the street." Spencer said opening the door and grabbing his shoes.
"Come with me, I'll take you." He said walking down the drive way.
"Thanks so much Spencer," I said smiling.
"No problem, So what do you need with him anyways?" He asked.
"Umm...He's teaching me how to play guitar." I said lying.
"Okay, Well here we are." He said walking up his drive way. He went up to the door and knocked.
"Hey, Is Ryan home?" He asked.
"Umm...No actually he's not. He went out about an hour ago." His mom said.
"Ohh okay, Well can you tell him I came by?" He asked.
"Yeah, Sure. Bye now." She said shutting the door. Spencer turned around and walked back to me.
"He's not home, He went out about an hour ago." He told me.
"Ohh....Okay, Well I guess I'll uhh...learn guitar another day." I said turning around and walking away.
"Thanks any way Spencer." I smiled.
"Okay, See you later. Bye." He said waving and going back to his house. Instead of going home I went to the park. I sat under a tree and closed my eyes. And before I knew it, I was asleep. I don’t how long I was asleep for but I woke up to some one talking.
"Look what we have here, Grab her!" A voice said. I lunged for the bushes. I crouched down and hid from them.
"Where did she go!" Another voice said. I sat there, hiding from them. It was dark now, and I didn't know what to do. I hated being in the forest alone at night.
"Where is that little mother fucking Bitch!" He yelled. I stood up and was about to yell at them when a hand went across my mouth and pulled me backwards.
"Shh! If I were you I wouldn't do that. Do you want them to find you." He whispered. He let go of my mouth so I could turn around. It was Ryan. I looked at him and collapsed into his arms.
"I'm so scared." I cried.
"Shhh...Follow me and you'll be fine." He said. I nodded my head. We got up and started to walk away when I stepped on a branch, it snapped under my foot.
"Hey! with fear. She's in there!" The guy yelled. They both plunged into the forest. My face went pale, I was frozen He grabbed my hand and started running.
"Hey! Look, There are two of 'em! Lets get them!" The other guy yelled. They chased us all the way to Ryan's house. We ran in and he immediately locked the door.

We closed all the windows and shut the curtains, then sat down on the couch.
"Oh my god, That was so scary." I said, a few tears running down my cheek.
"Hey, You're safe now. They cant get you in here." Ryan said trying to comfort me. I started shaking.
"Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded my head. He got up, and walked away. He came back a few minutes with a blanket and a sweater in his hands. He passed me them both. I slipped the sweater on and pulled the blanket over me. I was about to say something but then there was banging on the door. I looked out the window, those creepy guys were standing there.
"Ryan, What do we do! They're back!" I said, getting scared all over again.
"If you don’t let us in we're going to bang the door down." One of the guys yelled. I let out a little scream. He threw me the phone and ran to the door.
"I'll hold the door and make sure they don’t get in, and you phone the police." He told me. I nodded my head, grabbed the phone and started dialing.

"This is an emergency! There are some creepy guys trying to brake into our house! We need the police down here quickly!" I said into the phone.
"Okay, We will be there in a minute." The operator said.
"Thank you!" I said before turning the phone off.
"Help me! They broke the lock! I can't hold it much longer!" Ryan said pushing the door shut. I ran over and threw all my weight against the door. A few seconds later we heard sirens.
"Finally! I didn't know how much longer I could hold this door closed." I said. Ryan laughed a little. We went over to the couch and sat down. We could hear them yelling out side. Then there was a knock on the door. Ryan got up to answer it, I followed right behind him.
"Are you guys alright?" The policemen. Me and Ryan looked at each other and nodded.
"We have been looking for those guys for awhile now. So do you both live here?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No, I live a few minutes from here." I told him.
"Okay, well I will be driving you home so that I can talk to you're parents." He said. I nodded my head.
"See you later Ryan." I said waving.
"Yeah, I'll see you later. Bye." He said. He smiled then waved. I climbed into the back of the cop car that didn't have those freaky guys in it.

When we pulled into my drive way my mom came racing out. The cop opened my door and I climbed. My mom ran up to me and wrapped me in her arms.

"Oh my god! You're alright!" She said squeezing me even tighter.
"Yeah, mom I'm fine. I'm just a little cold and I'm filled with dirt." I told her.
"Go inside and have a shower Sweetie." She said motioning for me to go inside. I nodded my head and made my way upstairs. Just in case any body came, I brought my cloths into the bathroom with me. I ran the water in the tub then slowly climbed in. I started to drift off to sleep when there was a knock on the door.
"Belle sweetie, Dont fall asleep in there. It dangerous." My mom said.
"Okay, I wont. I'm getting out anyways." I told her. I heard her say "okay" Then she walked down the hall. I dried myself off then changed into my pajamas. I picked up my cloths and walked to the laundry room. I was about to throw everything in when I realized that I still had Ryan's sweater.
"That’s coming with me." I said flinging it over my shoulder and walking back to my room.
"Night mom, I'm going to bed early so that I can get up earlier, I think I'm going to walk to school tomorrow." I yelled from the top of the stairs.
"Okay, Good night." She said. I turned around and walked to my room. (Okay I know you all are probably thinking that there is no school on Saturdays, but in this story there is. Instead of having Saturday off they get Monday off.)