The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 7

I fixed up my makeup then we left to go to the theater. When we got there every one was waiting out side.
"We really need to get those two together." Emily whispered to Sonny who had his arm wrapped around her waist.
"Yeah we do. They would look so cute together." He said back to her.
"Hey guys, So what movie are we going to see?" I asked them.
"Umm...How about a horror one?" Brendon suggested.
"Okay fine with me, I never get scared in them." I smiled.
"Okay then, Lets go." Ryan said walking up to go buy a ticket. We all followed and bought a ticket.
"Why did you suggest a ticket?" Sunny whispered to Brendon.
"You'll see why soon enough." He whispered back. She shrugged her shoulders. We all sat in our seats which pretty much took up one whole row. It went, Brendon then Sunny, Then Me and Ryan, Spencer and Diane, Jon and Andi, Emily and Sonny and Ann and Matt.
"Damn it!! I forgot popcorn! Guys come help me." Brendon said, getting all the guys to come with him. Me and the girls started talking.
"So Belle, Are you and Ryan dating?" Andi asked.
"No! For he last time we are not dating!! I just told you that today!" I stated.
"Ohh Haha! Right, sorry." She said.
"Its okay, It just gets annoying when people always ask." I said. Every one nodded their head in understandment.

The guys came back with a bag of popcorn each.
"Yumm, Thanks Ryan." I said smiling.
"No problem." He smiled back. He sat down and the movie started.

I quickly looked over at Diane, who started shoving popcorn in her mouth.
"Diane, Is this movie scary? Like seriously really scary?" I asked her.
"Yeah. Its scary, but I thought you said that you didn't get scared in horror movies." She said.
"Well...I lied, I do get scared from movies. Just dont tell any one. It embarrasses me." I told her.
"Okay, I wont tell." She said.
"Thanks." I said smiling.
"You're welcome, no Shh! I want to watch the movie." She laughed. I nodded my head and turned and faced the screen. What a great time to look!! These to messed up people were molesting one person and shot the other and one took a little baby while the other people (THE MEN) were being distracted by having they're grandpa being tied up to a dead tree and then starting it on fire. I screamed and grabbed Ryan’s hand. He looked at me and started blushing. I turned my head away, my face went a bright shade of red. A few minutes later I turned back and looked at him, He was watching the movie again. I looked down at my hand, His hand was wrapped around mine. I started smiling.
"Umm Ryan..." I said. He let go of my hand.
"Sorry." He said blushing a little.
"No its not that, I was fine with that...But umm....I just realized that I still had you're sweater. Do you want it back?" I asked.
"No, I dont need. You can wear it if you want." He said.
"Are you sure? Aren't you going to get cold in here?" I asked him.
"Yeah I'm sure. And I'll be fine. Trust me." He smiled.
"Okay." I answered. I laced my fingers with his then looked up and smiled. We both leaned in towards each other...then every thing went dark. I let out a little scream and jumped into Ryan. There was a light flashing around in the back. I looked behind and it was one of the workers with a flash light.
"I would like you all to exit in an orderly fashion. Dont Panic, Its just a power outage." He said. I hear people shuffling around when some one screamed. I wrapped my arms around Ryan and buried my head into chest. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I pulled myself closer and hugged him a bit tighter then I was before. Then all of a sudden the lights shot back on. Everyone looked over at me and Ryan. We both stood there in shock.
"Ohh that’s why you suggested a horror movie!" Sunny exclaimed.
"Yes, that’s why." Brendon told her.
"Well now we dont need to do it...Brendon already did." Emily laughed.
"Aweee! Dont they look cute together.” Ann said smiling.
"What!?! What are you all staring at!?" I asked.
"Look at you're self." Andi said. I faced forward again, I had my arms wrapped around Ryan and my head was leaning on his chest.
"So!! What wrong with this! you guys do it all the time." I said.
"Yeah, To our boyfriends!! Not our 'friends'" Sunny stated.
"Ohh umm...Yeah true..." I said blushing a little. I let go of Ryan then pulled my hood over my head and sat down.
"Ahha!! She's embarrassed." Jon laughed. Ryan sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Its okay, You dont have to be embarrassed. You were scared...And I didn't mind anyways." He said. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Okay, I get embarrassed allot don’t I." I laughed. He nodded his head.
"But that’s okay, I get embarrassed allot too." He told me. I giggled a little.
"Could you please take you're seats, the movie will resume in a few moments." A voice said over the loud speaker. We all shrugged our shoulders and sat down. The lights dimmed and the movie started playing again. I touched Ryan's hand with my finger and he linked his finger with mine. I looked over at Matt and Ann. They looked so happy together. I've always wished that I could have a relationship like that with a guy, but wish never came true...well in a way in sort of came true, but it didn't last. Ryan had told me that Ann and Matt shared their first kiss at the age of 4. He said that they would always play games and pretend to get married. Now that is what I call ever lasting love, or as other people would put it...True love. But maybe now that Ryan's come into the picture, maybe my wish will come true. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I smiled to myself and started watching the movie, but this time I was wasn't as scared. I knew I would have some one there for me if I did get scared.

During the rest of the movie we all got really so we started throwing popcorn at each other which ended up getting us all kicked out. We all ran out the door laughing.
"Ryan, You have popcorn in you're hair." I laughed as I stood on the tips of my toes and took it out.
"And don't! We all do." He laughed. I shook my head and little pieces of popcorn fell to the ground.
"So what do you guys want to do?" Emily asked.
"I dont know." Brendon said.
"OHH I KNOW!!!" I yelled.
"What!?!" They all asked in unusion.
"Lets go for Ice Cream!!" I said jumping up and down. They all laughed and nodded their heads. We all started walking towards the ice cream parlor.

When we got there we all went up to the counter and ordered.
"Brendon you're such a pig!" I laughed as he dug into his ice cream which happened to have at least 5 scoops in it.
"What! I like Ice cream...And I'm sharing with Sunny!" He said.
"What ever Brendon! I have my own." She laughed.
"Well then I'm....Sharing with myself!" He grinned. I rolled my eyes and sat down.
"Can I sit with you?" Ryan asked. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Of course." I said. He smiled back and sat down.
"Be right back." I said getting up and going to the bathroom.
"Jeeze Ryan!! Just fucking kiss her already!" Spencer blurted out.
"Umm...uhhh....But....W-We Aren't D-Dating." He stuttered.
"So!! Just fucking do it already!! we all know you want to!" Spencer said.
"Ryan just do it!" Jon said.
"Uggh! Guys she's going to get mad at me!" He said.
"Ryan do you like her yes or no!" Brendon asked.
"Yeah I like her." He answered.
"Then do it before I kick you!" Brendon said.
"Ahh! Okay, Okay! I'll do it when she comes back!" Ryan said. Every one smiled.
"Good!" Spencer laughed.
I came back out from the bathroom to the booth where every one was sitting at. Ryan stood up as if he was going to let me in, but then grabbed me and pressed his lips against mine.
I pulled away a few seconds later and started blushing.
"Jeeze! It took you long enough!" Ann said. I looked up at every one.
"Ummm...Uhhh......" I didn't really know what to say.
"Aha! She's speechless!! Now you know that she likes it!" Jon laughed. I started blushing even more, by now my whole face was red.
"Ummm...Uhhh...I uhhh...I have to go." I said quickly grabbing my purse and rushing out the door.
"Oh now look what you did Ryan! you chased her away!" Jon said.
"Fuck you guys!" Ryan said running out the door after me.