The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 8

Ryan's POV

She was sitting out side the store leaning her head against the wall. She looked up at me and blushed again.
"Why did you leave?" I asked sitting beside her.
"Because umm...I uhh...I got embarrassed." She answered.
"Sorry. Its just that...I....Well I umm..." I stuttered.
"Ryan, I really like you and all, Its just that I'm afraid to go into another relationship. I dont want to be hurt again." She said.
"I know what you mean." I told her.
"Ryan...There is some things about me that I haven’t told you...Infect, I haven’t told anybody...I'm just afraid to tell you because maybe you wont like me anymore." She said, falling down her face.
"You can tell me and I wont tell anyone." I told her. She took her sleeve and brushed it over her eyes.
"Okay. I'll tell you...Well you're probably wondering why I always were a jacket or a long sleeve shirt.” She said. I nodded my head not really knowing what she was getting at.
She started pulling up her sleeve then stopped.
"No!! I cant do it! I can't tell you!! You wont understand!" She said. She stood up and started to run away. I jumped up and reached out to grab her. I grabbed her wrist. She let out a little scream, I instantly let go and she disappeared around the corner.
"What did I do?" I asked myself. I took off running after her. She was sitting at the bus stop crying.
"What do you want Ryan!! Do you enjoy seeing me cry!!" She sobbed.
"No!! I want to find out what’s wrong with you!" I said. She glared at me for a moment. She reached down for her arm and pulled up her sweater.
"There you go Ryan! Are you happy! You've found out my little secret!!" She yelled. I stared down at her. There was blood trickling down her arms and falling on to the ground.

Belle's POV (again)

I clenched my arm in pain. Ryan sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried into him.
"Why...Why did you do it?" He asked pulling away.
"Because...My mom, She's an alcoholic...and...she hits me some times." I said, tears falling my cheek.
"I'm so sorry...Have you told anyone?" He asked.
"No, She said she would hurt me if I did." I told him.
"But...You're mom seemed so nice when I was over." He said.
"Yeah, that’s when she hasn't had anything yet." I said.
"Ohh...Where did she hurt you?" He asked. I took of his sweater and revealed my bruised arms. then I lifted the bottom of my shirt up. I had a huge bruise on my side.
I looked up at him, he had tears swelling up in his eyes.
"Ryan, Please dont cry." I said.
"I'm sorry. I cant help it. I just feel so bad. I wish there was somthing I could do." He said hugging me.
"There isn't anything you can do. I wasn't even supposed to tell you. You have to promise me that you wont tell the others." I said.
"Okay, I promise I wont...I dont know if this will help but...You can stay with me if you want." He suggested.
"Thanks Ryan. And yeah, It would help." I smiled.
"Okay, I'm glad. Do you want to go back to the others?" He asked. I nodded my head. We got up and walked back to the parlor.
"Belle...Are you alright? You look like you've been crying." Brendon said getting up and coming over to where me and Ryan were standing.
"Yeah, I'm fine...I just twisted my ankle." I said lying.
"Okay. Well we are all ready to go. What about you?" He asked. I looked over at Ryan and he nodded his head.
"Yeah we're ready." I answered. We all turned around and walked to the bus stop.
"Damn! I hate this! Its a fucking 3 hour ride back home!" Sunny said.
"Yeah it sucks, But We deal." Brendon said kissing her on the head. She smiled. When the bus pulled up we all went to the back. I sat down beside Ryan, he wrapped his arm around me and I layed my head in his lap and fell asleep.
"Poor kid. She looks exhausted." Diane said referring to me. Spencer nodded his head.

When we were at mine and Ryan's stop he gently woke me up.
"Belle....were here. Come on." He said shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes and sat up.
"I'm awake, I'm awake." I mumbled. Everyone laughed.
"What! I'm awake." I said yawning.
"Ahha! Barely. Now lets go home so you can sleep." Ryan said. I nodded my head and walked off the bus.
"Bye guys." I said waving. The all waved back and the bus started moving again. When we walked past the park I went over to the grass and flopped down. Ryan layed down beside me. He out his hands behind his head and stared up at the sky.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thinking." He answered.
"About what?" I asked again.
"Thinking about stuff...Nothing in particular." He answered.
"Hmm...Okay. Lets play a game." I said smiling.
"Okay, What’s the game?" He asked.
"Guess what I'm thinking." I answered.
"Ahha! Okay." He laughed.
"So what am I thinking." I grinned.
"Hmm...You're thinking...That I'm a sexy beast." He laughed.
"Nope. You're turn." I said.
"Okay...What am I thinking?" He asked.
"Hmm...I dont know." I smiled.
"I'm thinking that I'm going to do this." He said. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Now what am I thinking?" He asked.
"I'm not sure Ryan...What are you thinking." I laughed.
"I'm thinking that you better run before I get you." He said jumping up. I screamed and started running and laughing. He grabbed me around the waist and started tickling me. I fell to the ground laughing.
"Ahha! Ryan stop! That tickles!" I screamed.
"That’s the point, Its supposed to tickle." He laughed. When I managed to wriggle free I took off running towards his house. I ran inside and locked him out.
"Ohh yeah right! You did not just do that." He laughed.
"Oh I just did do that." I yelled threw the door. I started giggling when somebody grabbed me from behind. I let out a little scream.
"How did you get in here." I asked him when I turned around.
"Its called the back door." He laughed.
"Ohh! Ahha! I forgot about that." I said.
"So what do you want to do now?" He asked.
"Hmm...I dont know. Oh wait!! Follow me." I said running out the back door.
"Belle there is nothing out there but the...Pool. Yeah right, I'm not falling for that." He laughed.
"Ryan! Come here." I yelled from outside.
"No! I'm not coming outside. I'm not falling for that." He yelled back.
"Please...Come here. I want to tell you somthing. Its really important." I said.
"Uggh! Fine!" He said walking out. I jumped out from behind the wall.
"So what did you want to tell me?" He asked. I started walking towards him and he started to walk backwards.
"I wanted to tell you that You...Are....Going...To....."
"I'm going to what?" He asked.
"...Fall...." I said pushing him with my finger. His foot slipped off the edge and he fell into the pool I started giggling.
"Very funny." He laughed climbing out.
"Ohh I dont think so." I said pushing him back in. He landed with a Splash!
"That’s it, You're dead." He laughed.
"No!! Here I'll help you out." I said reaching my hand out.
"Okay, you can help me out." He said grinning. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in.
"RYAN!!!" I yelled.
"Haha!! I told you that you were dead." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and let out a little laugh. I quickly kissed him on the cheek then dunked him. He came up and burst out laughing
"So that where you are!!!" An angry voice said from behind us. I recognized that voice...Now I was in shit!