The Beautiful Story Of A Torn Heart.

Chapter 9

I turned around to see my mom standing there and of course, She was drunk.
"What the hell are you doing here!!" She yelled.
"Are you blind!! I'm hanging out with one of my friends! And why are you here?!" I asked.
"I'm here because you didn't fucking come home!" She snapped.
"Yeah well maybe I didn't come home because I didn't want to be hit again!" I yelled, tears now swelling up in my eyes.
"Get you're ass out of that pool!!! You're coming home!" She screamed.
"No!! I'm not leaving with you!" I said.
"I said get you're fucking ass out of the pool!" She yelled again. I shook my head. She reached over and yanked me out of the pool.
"Dont you ever say no to me again!" She yelled, slapping me across the face. I fell to my knees and started bawling. Ryan climbed out and ran to my side. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.
"Are you alright?" He wispered. I shook my head.
"No." I cried.
"Get away from her!" My mother snapped.
"No. I'm not moving." Ryan said. My mom rolled her eyes and yanked me up by my arm. She threw me up against the wall and held me there by my throat.
"You stupid bitch! You were never good enough! You were always worthless." She yelled. I looked over to where Ryan was, but he disappeared.
"I knew it was too good to be true." I wispered. She hit my again. All of a sudden I heard sirens and the back door open. I saw Ryan run out with two officers. They pulled my mom off of me and arrested her. I slid down the wall and cried.
"I'm sorry I left." Ryan said sitting beside me.
"Its okay. I just thought that....I thought that you ditched me and wouldn't come back." I cried.
"I would never do that! I would never leave you." He told me. I forced out a smile.
"What am I going to do? My mom is in jail now." I said.
"You can stay at my house. Or you can go to you're house." He replied.
"Umm...I kind of want to go home." I told him.
"Okay. I'll come with you." He smiled.
"Thanks Ryan." I said hugging him. We stood up an went threw the backdoor, and left out the front. We walked down the street towards my house. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He smiled and we continued walking down the street.

When we got to my house my and Ryan walked inside. He sat on the couch while I went upstairs to get changed. I was half up way up the stairs when I turned around and went back down.
"Ryan, Do you care if we stay here tonight?" I asked.
"Nope, Its totally fine with me." He smiled.
"Okay, Thank you." I said hugging him and running up the stairs. I went up to my room into straight to my dresser. I grabbed a tank top and a pair of boxer shorts. I quickly slipped them on and went back down stairs to where Ryan was waiting on the couch.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked, dropping down beside him.
"Ummm...I dont know. I'm still pretty cold from the pool." He said shivering a little.
"Why dont you have a shower? I can put you're cloths in the dryer while you're in there if you want." I offered. He got up and walked to the bathroom.
"Okay, Thanks...Where are the towels?" He yelled from the other end of the house.
"They should be on the shelf in the hall way." I called back. It was silent for a few seconds.
"There isn't any in there." He said.
"Okay, I'll go find some then." I answered. I got up off the couch and went up stairs to the other bathroom. I looked on the shelf and sure enough they were all there. I grabbed a handful and walked back down the stairs. I walked down the hall, Ryan was standing in the doorway. I handed him the towels and he chucked his shirt at my face.
"Hey! I dont appreciate that!" I laughed. He stood there laughing. I started digging through my pockets, when I found the thing I was looking for I pulled it out. It was my Turquoise Mac make-up. I threw it at him, but I guess he knew what I was going to do, He quickly shut the door making it bounce off it and fall to the ground.
"Pfft! What ever Ryan! I'll get you." I said, turning around and walking towards the washer and dryer. I emptied the washer and threw it all into the dryer, I took his shirt off my shoulder and put it in the dryer with the rest of it.

I went back to the couch and started watching T.V. I started flipping through the channels, but there was nothing on.
"Uggh! There is never anything on." I sighed. I picked up the remote and started flipping through again when the phone rang. I got up and answered it.

*Phone Conversation*

Belle: Hello?
Diane: Oh my god! I heard what happened with you're mom!
Belle: Wow! News travels fast.
Diane: Yeah, But how are you!?!
Belle: Well...I'm okay, I guess.
Diane: Awee sweetie. I'll be right over, see you in a few minutes. Bye *hangs up*

A few minutes later.

"Sweetie where are you!" Said a voice from the front door.
"Diane, I'm in here!" I yelled to her. I could hear her throwing her shoes to the ground and running towards the living room.
"Oh my god! Are you alright?" She asked, wrapping her arms around me.
"Yeah Diane, I'm fine." I laughed.
"You seem bored...and lonely. Ever since you and Brendon broke up, you've been less talkative and you seem really depressed." She said.
"Diane!! That’s enough about him!" I said raising my voice a little.
"I'm sorry. But you do seem bored and lonely." She said again.
"Well...I am bored, but lonely...." I was cut off. Ryan walked out with out his shirt. Diane looked at him then at me, her eyes were wide.
"Ummm....Hi Diane, Belle where did you put my shirt?" He asked. Her eyes went even wider.
"Its in the dryer, It should be dry by now." I told him. He nodded his head and left.
"What’s going on here!?!" Diane asked.
"Its not it looks like! I was over at his house, we pushed each other in the pool, came over here so I could get changed, and he wanted to take a shower." I told her.
"Ohh thank god! At least its not what I thought it was." She laughed.
"You're such a retard!" I said laughing. Ryan walked back into the room.
"What’s so funny?" He asked sitting in between me and Diane. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Seriously! What is it? Is there somthing on me? Do I have something on my face?" He asked touching his face as if there was somthing on it.
"No Ryan, Just never mind. Lets just say it was 'girl talk'" I said trying not to laugh.
"Fine then dont tell me...I guess I'm not special enough to you." He said crossing his arms and pouting.
"Ryan! Dont do that!" I said.
"What’s the point of talking to me? I'm not even special enough to talk to." He said. I sighed. I quickly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Diane was grinning.
"There! Now you're special!" I told him.
"Yay!...Oh no! All my specialness went away! Oh how will I ever get it back." He said giggling a little.
"Oh I dont know, Oh wait! Diane you have to kiss him." I stated.
"Uhhh...Its a miracle! I'm cured! My specialness came back just like that!" He said snapping his fingers.
"That’s what I thought." I said laughing.
"Well I better be going, I have go meet Spencer for dinner...Do you guys want to come?" She asked.
"Sure, What about you Belle?" Ryan asked me.
"Yeah sure! I'm totally cool with it." I said smiling.
"Great!! But you have to dress up, Its a very dressy place." She told us.
"Okay, well then I should go home and change...because there is nothing dressy about my cloths." Ryan laughed.
"Alright. I'll help Belle pick her outfit while you're getting ready." Diane said.
"Okay. I'll pick you up at around 7:00?" He said.
"Yeah, 7:00 it is, See you in a bit." I said waving. He smiled, waved back and walked out the door. I let out a sigh and fell back on the couch.
"Ahha! You're hilarious!" She laughed.
"Did you just get me a date with him!" I yelled.
"Uhh yeah!! Duhh!" She said.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!" I screamed, jumping up and down and hugging her.
"Jeeze! You really like him ehh." She asked.
"No! I hate him!" I said sarcastically. She laughed.
"Okay now lets you are go see what going to wear." She said pushing me up the stairs. We went straight to my closet.
"What do I wear? Like jeans and a nice t-shirt?" I asked. dress up?" She asked me. I shook my head.
"NO!! You wear a dress! Have you never been to place where you have to
"No, I never have." I answered. She rolled her eyes.
"Okay, Well first off...where are you're dresses?" She asked me.
"At the very end of the closet." I told her. She nodded her head and walked in. She gasped in shock.
:"What is this! Its gorgeous! Can I wear it tonight?" She asked pulling out a white dress with black polka dots. I nodded my head.
"Thank you!!! Now for you...You should wear...this!" She said pulling a red plaid dress that went a bit about the knee. It laced up in the front and the straps were big buckles.
"Now for you're accessories, You're shoes will be these, you will wear this necklace and.....No! nothing more, you're done." She said throwing me red slip ons and a black heart on a chain.
"Thanks Diane...I'm actually going to look good for once." I stated, slipping the dress on. I looked at my self in the mirror.
"Eww! I have to wash my hair! It looks horrible!" I said flipping my hair around.
"Well while you do that, I'm going to go home and finish picking my stuff out. I'll see you and Ryan there." She said winking. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"See you later Diane." I smiled.
"Bye gorgeous." She laughed.
"Come on! You're more gorgeouser then me!" I said.
"Is "gorgeouser" even a word?" She asked.
"Umm...No...But it is now." I giggled.
"What ever. See you at around 7:00. Bye." She said waving and walking down the stairs. I grabbed the dress, shoes and the necklace and went to the bathroom so I could wash my hair, style it and do my make-up.
I hopped in the shower and quickly washed my hair, then jumped out, got dressed and blow dried my hair, then I got out my flat Iron and straightened it. I dug threw the drawers and found my make-up. I quickly applied that and ran downstairs. It was 6:59pm.
"Few! I'll actually be on time." I laughed to myself. I took one more glance in the mirror when there was a knock on the door. I smiled to myself and answered it.
"Hey, You look great!" He smiled.
"Awee thanks, So do you." I smiled back.
"Thanks, So are you ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah...Oh wait!! I need you're help with somthing. since I dont have a mirror I need you to put this on for me." I said handing him the necklace. I turned around and held my hair up.
"There. All done." He said doing the clasp up and letting go.
"Thanks Ryan, Now we can go." I said grabbing my purse of the end table. I walked out the door and locked it. We walked out to the car and climbed in.