The Story Of A Beautifully Torn Heart, Maybe Isn't So Torn After All

Chapter 1

She sat in the lonely tour bus, staring out the window for what seemed like an eternity.
"Hey there love, whets got you so down today?" Diane asked, as she sat down beside her. She looked up and cracked a smile.
"Ohh nothings wrong, I'm just...thinking." Belle replied.
"And what might that be about?" Diane asked her. Belle thought for a moment.
"Umm...Well, nothing in particular, just things." She answered. Diane rolled her eyes.
"Jeez Belle...They'll be back in a few days. I know you miss them. Heck, we all do." Diane laughed.
"Well...I guess you're right, I can handle a few more days with them being gone." Belle sighed.

"Belle...Dating a musician who is on tour is not that easy, they have to go off on these kinds of things." Diane told her.
"Yeah I know, It's just...I feel so alone with out him here. And I know I shouldn't feel alone, You, Emily, Sunny, Ann, and Andi are all here." She said.
"We all feel the same way that you're feeling. We know how much he means to you. Just try not to let it get you down. Make the best of it while there gone. Just think...We can finally do the things that we want to do without them nagging at us." Diane grinned.
"I guess you're right." She said, a small smiled formed across her face.

"Now that's more like it. Let’s say we get the girls and go shopping." Diane grinned.
"Fuck I haven't done that for like....ever! Let’s go." Belle exclaimed.
Belle and Diane took off running towards the bunks.

"Guys! Let’s go...We're going shopping!" They both yelled. The other girls jumped out of the bunks, and hurried to get themselves ready.

*At the Mall*

"Man I feel like an actual girl again, seeing as the boys wouldn't go shopping. Oh how I missed you!" Sunny said, hugging a pole that was on the outside of the mall.
"Leave the affection for Brendon, you don't want him to get jealous now...Do you?" Andi laughed. Sunny rolled her eyes and let go of the pole as the others walked in ahead of her.

"So...Where to first?" Emily asked. They all thought for a moment...
"HOT TOPIC!" They all said together. A wave of laughter crossed the girls. When they came back to their senses, they headed off to 'Hot Topic'

Once they were in the store, the girls let out a long sigh. There hanging on the wall was a poster of 'Panic! At The Disco and From First To Last'
"Guys...this doesn't help." Belle said, a tear sliding down her cheek. She looked over to see Diane, caught up in a bunch of tears. Her make up was already running.
"Let’s just get some cloths and go." Sunny choked out. They nodded their heads and were off.

Each girl bought a few pairs of pants, a couple t-shirts, some make up, and bracelets etc... When they were finally all "malled out" the returned to the bus.

"I feel like crawling into a hole and sleeping until Spencer gets back." Diane said, plopping down on the couch.
"Yeah, Me too." They all agreed. Sitting down beside her.
"Let’s just watch a movie until we all fall asleep." Ann suggested. Emily got up and went through the movies until they all agreed on one. Ann then took her spot in between Belle and Emily and pressed play.

"Tell me why we agreed on this movie again?" Emily said.
"Um....Because...I actually have no clue why." Sunny replied.
"Maybe it's because we're all sulking around, waiting for the guys to come back." Belle suggested.
"Yeah, You're right. That's the reason." Andi said. They laughed for a few seconds until the movie title came on it read "The Ring"

About half way through the movie the girls had all fallen asleep.