The Story Of A Beautifully Torn Heart, Maybe Isn't So Torn After All

Chapter 11

[ Belle's POV ]

I walked out to see Brendon's arms wrapped around a girl.
From what I could see,
She had red, black and bleach blonde hair.
It was about shoulder length and quite choppy.

"Nice to see you too, Brendon." She laughed a little.
A shiny piece of metal glistening in the light.
So...She had a lip ring.

"I'm SOO glad your here!" He exclaimed.
She just laughed and pushed him off her.
She was wearing a pair of black, thick rimmed glasses.
She looked over at me and smiled.

"So...Your the one Ryan always talks about."
"What....Really." I turned around and faced him,
My face a light shade of pink.
"Well....I....ummm..." Ryan rubbed the back of his neck,
His face going a slight red color.
"Aweee." Belle leaned over and kissed him.

"Well then...I'm Andie, Nice to meet you." She smiled.
"Nice to meet you too." I wrapped her in a small hug. "None of the guys would tell me who you were. I've been wondering for awhile now." I laughed.
"Really...What jerks!" Andie stated.
"Exactly my thinking." I grabbed her arm,
And drug her over to the couch. "I think...We are going to get along very well." I smiled.
"Oh yes, Definitely." She smiled back.

"Belle...." Brendon whined.
Me and Andie looked up.
"What?" I asked.
"You....You stole my girl friend." he pouted.
"Take it like a man. This is what happens when you don't introduce me to her." I stuck my tongue out at him,
then continued talking to Andie.
"Kay dude...That's just fucking awesome." I pointed at her makeup.
It was all...Crazy, and...VERY bright.
Like...very...very...VERY bright.
And to top it off...A thick line of eyeliner around her eyes.
"Just....So fucking awesome." I stated.
"Hahha, Well...thanks. I imagine your makeup skills are pretty amazing. I mean...being Ryan's girl friend and all..he HAS to of taught you at least...Something!"
"Let face the fact...he hasn't." I sighed. "He keeps all his makeup tips to himself, but DOES my makeup..." I crossed my arms.
"He's a fucking jerk." I looked over at him. "Love you, Ry." I smiled sweetly.


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