The Story Of A Beautifully Torn Heart, Maybe Isn't So Torn After All

Chapter 5

As soon as Brendon left the room,
Belle and Ryan opened their eyes and giggled.
"He's the stupid one, We were laughing the whole time." Ryan said.
Just then Spencer came walking in.

"Soo...You two aren't sleeping eh?"
"Wooh! Canadian accent much! THAT WAS FUCKING KEWL!" Belle exclaimed.
"Ahahhaha....Nice little, freak out." Ryan giggled.
"Ohh I know...And nice little giggle there,
It was cute." Belle smiled.
"Pfft! My Giggle is WAY cuter than that!
And that's a fact." Spencer grinned.
"Mhmmm...Prove it bitch." Ryan muttered.
"Fine, I will." Spencer flipped him the finger,
Then giggled.

Hiding her head in Ryan's chest.
"Dip shit, She hates elves.
Only her BOYFRIEND would know that." Ryan flipped the finger right back at him,
Then grinned like a little child in a candy store.
"Wow...I'm Sorry." Spencer walked over to the couple curled up on the couch.

"OHH MAN! ITS A FUCKING THREESOME!" Someone screamed, as they fell through the door.
"Oh shit...I blew my cover." Brendon stated, as he stood.
"Mhmm...Nice one Mr. Urie." Belle rolled her eyes.
"DON'T call me mister Urie...EVER!" He complained.
"Ooo...I'm sorry Muffin...But I have a right.
You are the one who lost my shirt in the river a LONG time ago." Belle glared at him.
"Yeah, And I gave you one of MY shirts,
Which you still have by the way." He glared back.
"Uggh! Good point...Fine,
We're even." Belle held her hand out, and Brendon shook it.
"Yupp....Even." He replied.
"Now get your dirty hands off my girlfriend!" Ryan smacked his hand away.
Brendon cowered away a little. "Jeeze....Can't a guy get a little love too." He pouted.
"Aweee...Yes! You all can!" Belle moved over, and let Brendon and Spencer sit down with her and Ryan,
Which they ended up cuddling up to each other.

"Yess." They all answered.
"Actually...get Jon in here before I say anything." Brendon nodded his head,
Wiggled his way out, then went to go get Jon.
When him and Jon got back,
They squeezed their way back in, and Belle resumed talking.

"I just wanted to let you all know,
That you all mean the world to me.
I do not know what I would do without any of you.
You four, are my world,
And I love you to death.
I'm so glad I met you all. I guess I just wanted to say...
Thanks for always being there for me." A tear fell down her cheek,
as well as the guys.
"Y-Your welcome." Spencer choked out.
"Yeah....Your welcome." Brendon and Jon both said.
"Belle, I know for a fact we all feel the same way about you,
As you do towards us. You are our life,
Without you...We would all be a complete mess.
I love you." Ryan leaned down and lightly kissed her forehead.

"The times one you need a camera." Spencer sighed.
"Did I hear you all say...Camera!!!" One of the dancers ran in the room.
"YESSS!!" They all screamed.
"Well then, SMILEE!" She grinned.
The five of them moved in a little closer,
Ryan pressed his lips to Belle's, Then the picture was taken.
"Memories on the road are always the best." Ryan smiled, then leaned his head on Belle's shoulder,
And fell fast asleep.
"Poor guys, They're all exhausted." Belle said to the dancer 'Kaity K' (I think that's what her name is)
She nodded her head "Yeah...Shall we put them to bed?" She asked.
"Umm...yeah probably. They have a big day ahead of them." Belle told her.
"Alright, I'll just go and get Dusty." Kaity K left the room, and came back in with Dusty,
Who was still dressed in her stage clothes.

The three of them woke the guys up,
Walked them to their bunks,
Then went to bed ourselves.
"Night Ry....I love you." A small smile formed across his face.
"I love you to, Belle." He whispered, Before rolling over to her.
She smiled, then fell asleep as well.