The Story Of A Beautifully Torn Heart, Maybe Isn't So Torn After All

Chapter 9

Ryan's POV

"Belle....Where are you, babe?" I yelled as I climbed up the stairs to our tour bus.
"She went out....Again." Brendon yelled back.
"Well...Where did she go?" I stood in front of his bunk.
"How should I know?" He stated as he sat up, and unfortunately hit his head.
"OUCH!...FUCK...SHIT MAN!!!" Brendon yelped in pain as he held his head, fell out of his bunk and rolled back and fourth on the floor.
"Dude....It didn't hurt that much." I rolled my eye's.
"Heh...I know." Standing up, Brendon brushed himself off, then walked out to the front.
I followed him.

"Brendonn! Where Is my girlfriend." I whined.
"Dude..I told you I DON'T know!" His eye's widened.
But I knew he was lying...I could tell he knew where she was,
He just didn't want to tell me.
"Bren...I know you know where she is. Just tell me." I raised a brow.
"Okay..Jeeze...She's working...AT A STRIP CLUB!" He burst out laughing.
"Fuck Brendon. Why do I even ask you questions." Then my eyes widened.
"Oh Shit...I HAVE TO GO!" Grabbing my jacket, I raced out the door, down the steps, and to the bus stop...where I was SUPPOSED to meet her.
Man I fucked up big time!

Belle's POV

"Where the hell is he?!" I exclaimed, looking at my watch.
"He's already 30 minutes late." A stray tear slid down my cheek.
I turned on my heel and was about to walk when I ran right into someone.
They wrapped their arms around me for a hug, then pulled away and tilted my head up with their finger.

"Babe...I am SO sorry I'm late...I swear I didn't mean to be." It was Ryan.
"Yeah...Its okay. I was only waiting in the cold for a half an hour." I shivered.
"I really am sorry. Here...Take this." He slid off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.
"Thanks, Ry. Now...Are you FINALLY ready to go?" I laughed.
He nodded his head. "Yupp, I'm ready." He smiled.
"Great...Lets go." He grabbed my hand, and we continued to walk into the building that stood in front of us.
"If we get caught...I'm going to FLIP!" Ryan exclaimed, as he opened the door for me to walk in.
"Trust me we...well...I...never mind." I couldn't finish my sentence. Because honestly...Who knows what could happen while we were there.
"Holy Shit, Its been such a long time since we've been able to actually be ALONE." Ryan stated.
"HAH! I know." I laughed, then we quickly walked up to the counter.

"What can I do for you today?" The lady asked.
"Umm...Can I get a...Iced Tea." I asked.
She nodded her head. "Sure... And for you?" She looked at Ryan.
"I'll have...An Iced Tea as well please." He replied.
"Great, anything else for you too?" She asked.
Ryan looked at me. "You decide." I laughed.
"Fine...Medium popcorn, lightly buttered and...skittles." He smiled.
"Alright, That comes too...$10.83" She smiled.
Ryan nodded and handed her his bank card and she rung it through, and her eyes widened.
"The...Ryan Ross?" She asked, smiling.
Ryan hesitated...then slowly nodded his head, and she squealed.
"Holy Shit...Can I PLEASE get your autograph?" She asked him.
"I...I guess." He replied.
She shoved a pen and a piece of paper in his face, he quickly signed it then tossed it too her.
Grabbing the drinks and food, me and Ryan took off as fast as we could to the theater.

We found seats and sat down.
Just as the movie was about to start, a voice came over the loud speaker.
"If there is a Ryan Ross in the building, You have left your bank card at the concession."
"Oh Shit!" Ryan smacked his hand to his head.
"Well...I guess we are going to need to get it." I stated.
"I know...And for sure...I will get raped in a mother fucking bathroom stall." His eyes widened.
"HAH!....I'll go get it. Be right back." I leaned over, kissed him then walked to the concession where a line up of teenage girls had formed.
"Excuse me...Coming through...Move out of my way." I said, shoving people out of the way.
And then I finally reached the counter. "Hi...I'm here to pick up Ryan's bank card." I smiled sweetly.
"Nice try hunny. That's what all of these young girls have said." She rolled her eyes, and shooed me to the back of the line.
"Great...Just fucking great." I thought as I walked back to the seats.

"Ry...You need to be there to get it, they wouldn't let me." I sighed.
"Fine..As long as you come with me and...Here...Wear my hat..and gloves...and put my jacket on..and I will wear yours." He exclaimed, as he tossed them all to me.
Laughing, I handed him my jacket, put on his hat, gloves and jacket, then I got up and was just about ready to leave when he stopped me.
"WAIT! TAKE MY SCARF!" He exclaimed as he took the scarf off that was tied around his waist.
"You can wear it." He winked.
I rolled my eyes, but put it on anyways.
"Now...Lets go face those fans." I laughed.
He sighed, and the two of us walked to the counter.

"Now...can the two of us PLEASE get the bank card back?" We both exclaimed as we finally reached the counter.
"I need a valid ID and..HEY! Didn't I JUST turn you away?" She questioned me.
"Yes...But I actually BROUGHT him dumb ass." I glared at her as she cocked an eyebrow.
"I need proof that this is actually who he is claiming to be." She stated.
" wallet is in my jacket pocket." Ryan told me.
I nodded my head and pulled out the drivers license.
"SEE! I wasn't lying." I stuck out my tongue as Ryan showed her.
"Oh! I am terribly sorry. Here you go sir." She handed Ryan the card and I guess the fans had seen...the screamed and surrounded me and Ryan.
"GAHH! Just Fucking GREAT!" He yelled.
"Ry...You will be fine. I'll just...faint." I smiled, then fell over and landed on the ground.
The crowed gasped as Ryan fell to his knee's.
"Back up...I said mother fucking back up!" He exclaimed.
I opened an eye and winked at him, he smiled.

"Let me out of here. This girl needs a doctor." He stated as he picked me up, and pushed his way to the door.
Once outside, he placed me on the ground.
"High Five!" He laughed, then we quickly walked down the street, back towards the bus.
"Well...that was interesting." I laughed as we walked up the bus steps.
"Yupp...Very." Ryan replied, as he pushed the door open to reveal Brendon sitting on the couch.
He had the the weirdest look on his face.

"Ryan...why the hell are you wearing Belle's clothes...and why is she wearing yours?" He looked...scared.
"We ran into a little trouble at the movies." Ryan replied.
"I forgot my card at the concession...and i didn't want to face them, so I made her dress like me." He added.
"Yeah...and then I had to pretend to faint to get out of there cause Mr. Ross here made it OBVIOUS that it was his damn card." I rolled my eyes, and Brendon just laughed.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm going to bed. You coming Ry?" I asked.
He nodded his head. "Night Bren." He waved, then the both of us walked down to his bunk, got changed, then climbed in.

"Belle...I promise that the next time we do something like that...No fans will be there, I promise." He leaned over, kissed me on the forehead then closed his eyes and difted off to sleep.
"Okay. Night Ry. Love you." I smiled, and then I was fast asleep with in seconds.


Guys...while waiting for updates on this story...could you please be Oh So Kind, and read and comment my other story. So This Is Love