Welcome To The Black Parade

The Journey Of Our Friend, The Pateint

I woke up. Where was I?
All I saw in the distance was a black float that said "The Black Parade" and some band playing a song. I lay up and squinted. The float was coming towards me. I made out 5 guys and a huge crowd following them.The lead singer looked pale. Maybe he had been through chemotherapy??? I decided to go check these young men out.. You know see what the heck they wanted.
I walked up to them. "What are you doing here?" I asked them, confused. "We'll carry on! We'll carry on! And though your dead and gone believe me, your memeory will carry on!!" The singer sang in beautiful tones. One of the guys looked at me like I was crazy. Another rolled his eyes.
The float stopped. "Hello. We are The Black Parade. We're here to let you know that your dead." My eyes widned. "You are going to join us. We are all dead. We will take you through the journey of your life."