‹ Prequel: Eat Your Heart Out

Dear God

I was expecting a Driver

~Two Days Later~
In the last two days the only time I left my room was to go to work and eat. I only let the girls in my room and refused to talk to everyone else. I was currently getting ready to go to the airport to catch my flight to New Jersey. I told the girls about my plans, and of course the first thing they did was try and talk me out of it. After several hours of arguing about it, they finally acepted it. They were going to tell everyone else that I wasn't coming back until I felt like that the time was right. The girls were taking me to the airport, since I didn't want any of the guys there. They will find out in about a week what my plans really are.

"Ready to go, J?" Harley asked, walking into my room. I nodded and we grabbed my bags and the four of us piled into Cyndal's car. Once We got to the airport, I checked in and the girls walked with me over to the security gates.

"Here is where we part." Ashley said. I took my carry on from her and placed it on the ground. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. When we pulled apart I hugged the other girls.

"Bye. I promise to call. I'm going to change my numer as soon as I get there. Don't give it to any of the guys. If they want to talk to me, have them go through you." They nodded. We all said our good-byes and I went through security. I walked over to my gate and sat down on one of those hard plastic chairs and waited for my plane to arrive.

Once on the plane I put my headphones in and flipped thropugh my ipod to find something good to listen to. Finally, after finding something, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I heard the captain's voice over the intercom thingy saying we were about to land. We landed a few mintues later. I gatehred up my things and walked off the plane. I went to the luggage place adn looked around while I waited for my luggage to come off the plane. I saw a group of five familiar 'icognito' men holding a sign with my name on it.

"I expected a driver, not the whole band." I said walking up to them. "Hi, I'm Jessica Hendricks, reporter for Rollingstone Magazine." I introduced myself to them.

"Hello, I am the oh so wonderful Gerard Way, this is my lame brother Mikey, and our stupid Friends Frank, Bob, and Ray." The front man of the group said, earning shouts and slaps from the other guys. I just laughed. We all talked for a few mintues before my luggage came out. I grabbed my things, and walked back over to the guys. "Come on, lets get out of this crowded airport." gerard said. The guys immediately took my bags from me and lead me out to waiting car. Weall piled in, and Gerard drove us to an unknown location. What seems like hours later, Gerard pulled up in front of a light blue town house.

"I thought we were going to my hotel?" I asked as everyone got out of the car and began unloading my things.

"Nope. You're staying with me." Frank announced as he lead everyone up to the house, unlocking the door. "Your boss asked if you can stay with one of us until you feel ready to go home. My house is the only one with room, even when Tara gets back there willl still be enough room. So I said you can stay here."

"Oh ok. Who is Tara?" I asked as we walked inside.

"My girlfriend." Frank said quickly as we guided through the house to a bedroom. He placed my things on the floor. "This is your room whilke youa re here." He said with a smile.

"Sorry, you have to stay here with Frank, butit's the only place that has room. Tara is cool, but you still have to put up with this dipshit." Mikey said as Frank reached over and hit him upside the head. I immediately knew that I would feel at home with these guys.

After we left the bedroom, Frank gave me a tour of the house, making sure I knew where the impotant things were, like the poptarts. After the tour of the house, we all sat down in the living room. I could tell that everyone had a special spot to sit since they all immediately went straight to their spots, occasionally bumping into another as they went. Ray sat on a green bean bag, Frank on the recliners, Gerard on one side of the couch, Mikey on the other, and Bob sat on a leatehr recliner. The only spot advailable was rigth in between Mikey and Gerard. I sat own and drew my knees up to my chest, resting my head on my knees.
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Yay!! Another band...
more comments please... tehy make me smile.