‹ Prequel: Eat Your Heart Out

Dear God

Too soon?

I woke up the next morning to my stupid alram clock. Man I hate those things. I turned it off and saw I had a text message. I opened my phone and saw that it was from Sonny. I smiled as I read 'Mornin beautiful. Have a good day at work. Can't wait to see you tonight. <3 Sonny.' I replied to his text and got up.

I got ready for work and went downstairs for breakfast. I made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat at the table and ate it. I kept thinking about the text for Sonny. I smiled every time I thought about how he called me beautiful. I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to finish getting ready. I slid my chucks on, grabbed my wallet, ipod, and phone, shoving them into my pockets. Lastly I picked up my article and keys and left the house. I got into my car and drove to work.

I gave my article to Mr. jackson and went to my office. I began to work on my layout for next month's issue. About noon a knock came at my door. I called 'It's open." and contineud to stare at my computer screen.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could take you to lunch?" Sonny's voice flowed through my office. I looked up and smiled.

"I would love that." I said. "Hold on and let me save this." I saved my work and turned off my computer. I got up and walked over to Sonny. I smiled at him. We left my office and I told my boss I weas going to lunch. We left the building and walked down the street to a local diner.

We were seated and our drink orders were taken. I began to look at the menu in front of me. I decided on what I wanted to eat and looked up at Sonny. Our drinks came and our orders were taken.

"That text this morning was really sweet." I said, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper.

"Well, I wanted to brighten your day." He smiled. I reached across the table and took his hand in mine. He only smiled at my gesture.

"It did." I replied.

"Good. Now, tell me. What do you really think of our music?" Sonny asked me, casually rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I love you guys. The first song I heard from you is 'Ride the Wings of Prestilence' and I haqve listened to you ever since." I took another drink of my soda. His smile only grew wider. A screaming fan girl came up to our table asking Sonny for his autograph. She saw our hands together on the table and look at us curiously.

"Are you two dating?" She asked and I couldn't help but think about how familiar this situation was.

"No not yet, but I hope so soon." Sonny replied. the girl nodded and left us alone. When she left I just laughed. "What?"

"Well, lets just say that this situation seems way to familiar to me." I replied, hoping Sonny would drop it, but I was wrong.

"How?" He cocked his head to the left, causing the sun to reflect off his snake bites. I took a deep beath and told him about how I met Avenged Sevenfold and how Zacky told everyone I was his girlfriend the first day we met. I told him everything, up un til yesterday.

"Wow." Was all he said after I finished speaking. "Well at least I didn't tell her you were my girlfriend." He said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but he is not part of my life like that anymore." I said trying to make it clear to Sonny that I was not hung up on Zacky.

"Good." He said softly. Our food came and we began to eat. We talked about anything and everything that came to our minds. We finished eating, and Sonny insisted on paying for it. I soon discovered not to argue wtih him. We left the diner and headed back to my office building. He took my hand in his and entwined our fingers.

"Jess, I know that we only met yesterday, and if you think its too soon let me know. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked hesitantly. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes, I will." I said happily. Sonny eloped me in a hug. Even though he was a good four inches shorter than me, he still gave me a kiss on the cheek and pecked my lips.

"Yay!" He took my hand in his again. "So what do you wanna do tonight?"

"Well, do you and the guys wanna come over to my place and meet my roommates. They love your music as much as I do." I asked. We walked into my building and headed up to my office.

"That'll be great." He said. I gave him my address and gave him a peck on the lips. "See you around 6."

"Bye." I said and went into my office and shut my door. I turned on my computer and went back to work. At 4 I finished up what I was doing and saved my work. I gatehred my stuff up and went home. I didn't pay attention to hardly anything as I drove home and went up to my room. I heard my phone go off as I set my things on my desk. I opened it to see another text from Sonny. 'The guys are excited to hear about us. They can't wait to see you tonight. <3 Sonny.' I replied to his text. I went downstairs and into the kitchen, smiling to myself. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. I looked up to see seven pairs of eyes on me.
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