‹ Prequel: Eat Your Heart Out

Dear God

Are you serious?

"Come in." I said not looking up from my computer.

"Hey, Jess. I have your copy of this months issue. And your next assignment." I heard Mr. Jackson say. One of the perks of working here, is that Mr. jackson hands out a copy of the newest issue to each one of his employees. I looked over to see Mr. Jackson standing there with a copy of Rollingstone Magazine in his hand. my jaw dropped. On the cover was a picture of the boys in From First To Last.

"I-I-I-I- You had me to the cover article?" I stammered. He only gave that article to his best journalists, usually someone else gets it.

"Yup, I thought I would surprise you." He said with a smile plastered on his face. "Congradulations." I squealed and jumped up. I ran over to him and gave him and huge hug. He just laughed at my enthusiasm. "I take it you're happy."

"No, I'm devastate. Of course I'm happy." I said playfully.

"Good, You deserve it. There may be more cover stories for you in the near and distant future.." He grinned. " Oh before I forget, you have to go to New Jersey."

"Huh, why?" I asked as I skipped back to my desk.

"Your next cover story. You have to go to New Jersey to meet the band. They can't come here for some reason." He said and turned to leave.

"Wait, um... am I going to be interviewing My Chemical Romance?" I asked excitedly. He just nodded.

"Good, you have heard of them." he said and left the room. I squealed and tried to calm my excited nerves down. I tired to concentrate on my layout, but failed miserably. Around noon I picked up my cell and dialed a numbner.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered.

"Harley, bitch. Meet me at the corner diner in a half hour. my treat." I said cheerfully.

"What's the celebration for?" Harley asked, each word she spoke sounded more and more awake.

"I'll tell you when you get here." I said secretively. I knew she would be really excited when I told her both parts of my news.

"Just me or shall I bring the others with me?" She asked after a second.

"Who all is still at the house?" I asked and I turned back to my computer, hoping to work on my layout a little bit.

"I heard everyone's voices, including Zacky's." She replied.

"Just you for now. We can all go out to dinner or something later so I can tell them." I answered after thinking about it for a minute.

"Ok, I gotta go if I am meeting you in a half hour." Harley said hurridly.

"Alright bye." I said hanging up, and I went back to work.

~Harley's P.O.V.~
"Who was that?" A groggy voice on the toher side of the bed asked.

"J. She has soemthing she has to tell me something." I said, slowly getting out of bed. "Something good I guess."

"Ok." Good said, rolling over and closing his eyes again.

I went into the bathroom and got ready. The entire time I was wondering what her news was. maybe it had to do with Zacky. I walked down the staiors and saw everyone in the livingroom talking. "Guys, I going to have lunch with J. Be back soon." said and left the house. I got to the diner and saw an excited Jessica standing there. We went inside and sat down.

"So what's the good news?" I asked sipping the water that was placed in front of me. She grinned one of her beautiful cheeky smiles and she turned to dig in her bag. Her long brown hair fell in her face. She turned back to me and handed me a magazine. It was a copy of Rollingstone. I looked at the picture of From First To Last. "Holy Shit!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I got the cover article." She said in a bubbily tone. "And I get next months too. I get to go to New Jersey to interview MCR."

"Oh wow, congradulations J." I said. I stood up and walked around the table to give her a hug. "You deserve this." I said as I sat back down. "I mean it. You deserve this. You work so hard to achieve your goals." I wans't lying. That girl put her heart and soul into every article she wrote. She never took a break until she finished to her satisfaction, even though she still has either Cyn or me read it over. She was too strong willed and motivated. She was the hardest working person I know.

"Oh stop." She said blushing. I just laughed, thinking about how easy it was to make her blush.
~End P.O.V.~

Harley and I talked about my trip to New Jersey for awhile before our conversations turned to my relationship with Sonny. She was thrilled I was with Sonny, but wasn't so happy that I was hurting Zacky.

"You don't see the pain in his face when ever he sees you with Sonny or hears about you." She said calmly, taking a bite of her food.

"Well, he hurt me, so I really don't care anymore." I said defiantly. "I know he can do better than me, so I am giving him the chance. Plus, I'm not risking it again. It hurts to much. It's his fault it has to be like this."

"He didn't mean to." She stated. "He is sorry for everything. Have you even tried listening to him yet?"

"No I haven't had the time. Maybe I will later." I said finishing my food. I looked at the time on my phone. "Shit, I'm late. I gotta go." I said. She nodded. I paid adn we left the diner. She gave me a hug and I told her I would text her later.
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wow no major drama in this one.....