Dear God

Sunset to Sunrise

Dear Zacky,
I miss the way I used to hold you. When we would be sitting on the couch watching TV or with the guys and just hanging out having a few beers, I loved how you would immediately cuddle into my embrace not caring who saw or what their own opinion was.

Things here are going okay. The sunset is beautiful you would love it. Sometimes I sit out side of the line between camp and the dessert and just imagine you are sitting next to me and you can see the gorgeous mix of orange and red.
Almost like the distance is on fire.

I met a boy here is seems to be around the age of twenty one. His name is James Hart and he’s rather charming. I think you and him would get along just great. He said he has his own boyfriend waiting for him. In the same area!

We’ll time for the few hours of sleep I do get. I love you baby for ever and for always.

~Mathew Charles Sanders~

Dear Mathew,

I miss you too; Things aren’t the same as they where when you were around. Sitting around and hanging out with the guys isn’t as fun and exciting without your smart ass jokes and your toned arms around me.

I sleep in the middle of the bed so I don’t feel as alone. The guys say they have noticed a change in my attitude since you left and I kind of see it to.

I wish I could sit and watch the sunset with you; I wake up early and walk to the pier so I can see the sunrise. It’s also beautiful probably nothing compared to what you see.

I wish I could make the letter longer but Brian is calling me, he wants me to go out with the guys tonight. They say I need a few drinks.

I love you Matt.

~Zachary Baker~