Dear God

Have Fun

Matt sat at the edge of his cot looking at the pictures Zacky had sent him. He jumped when he heard a voice from behind him.

“Who’s that?” James asked and sat next to matt crossing his legs Indian style and looking at the picture of Zacky with pitch black hair after he died out the purple.

“My boyfriend Zacky.” Matt answered and looked at the next picture. A picture of Matt, Zacky and Brian with their arms around each other during Halloween.

“He’s cute.” James smiled softly and handed Matt the picture.

“Yea he’s beautiful. “ Matt put the pictures back in the box Michele had sent him and pushed it under his bunk looking at James.

“Did Jacoby send you anything?” He asked and turned so he was facing the other.

“Yea, just a few pictures of the family and him and a blanket my mother made me.” He shrugged and pulled the picture from his back pocket. About to show it he heard a yelling from the other side of the tent and they both jumped up and outside.

When they got outside they saw two men fighting and near by a picture of a woman, who had her shirt pulled down to her hips she appeared to be trying to hide something. And Matt had an idea of what she was hiding but he couldn’t get why the two were fighting.

“BREAK IT UP!” They all heard from behind them and turned around to find their sergeant. The two fighting boys scrambled up and dusted their pants and shirtless chest off.

“What the hell are you two doing?” Sergeant yelled and glared at the two boys.

“This dip shit fucked my wife!” Said the one who appeared to be the youngest, his face was tear struck and covered in dirt and sand. The other man just stood there with a smirk on his face.

“You two sound like a couple of fighting teenagers, how old are the both of you?” Sergeant asked them

“Twenty One” Said the crying.

“Twenty Three, She needed one with more experience.” A bigger smirk.

“Two years older isn’t a big difference ass whole.” A sniffle.

The two neared each other with angered faces and jumped for the other but were both caught by our Sergeant and pulled away.

“I’m going to make you both hold hands until this problem is resolved.” Sergeant said and pulled out a piece of wire from his pocket tying the two wrists together. The two scoffed and tugged at the wire wincing as what appeared to be an ounce of pain shot throw their arms.

“Have fun boys.” Sergeant said and walked away a small laugh could be heard.

Matt and James laughed as the two boys turned around to them and glared.

“Shut the fuck up Sanders!”

“Yea Hart!”

“Hope you two get to know each other well, Wilson, Drake.” Matt and Hart nodded and tried to not laugh as they walked away.