Don't Ask for Trouble, You'll Get Double


There’s more than one me. And I know people say that a lot, but it’s a different meaning for me. There’s me, Tyler....and then there’s me, Renee. When my parents first realized Renee existed, I was only about seven. We were in an amusement park, and there was a show with a lot of pyrotechnics, and I don’t know...I just changed.

When I found out there was more than one me, I was 13. My parents had been making sure I was taking my pills, and up to that point, I didn’t know why I took them. So, as they began to trust me, and not watch me take my meds, I stopped taking them, and instead, I flushed them. Then, one of my friends had a lighter, and they began to light stuff, and there was like a switch hit or something, and my friend met the girl dubbed Renee. And the only way I knew I changed was Frank.

Frank is my Jiminy Cricket. He’s there whether I’m Tyler or Renee. He tells one about the other’s actions, so I can kinda tell you about Renee’s personality, thanks to Frank.

She’s intense to say the least. She’s obsessed with fire. She loves the power and destruction that comes from such a beautiful thing. She’s a party girl, very loud, but cunning. Renee doesn’t come around often, because Tyler, who is the dominant personality, remembers to take her meds. She enjoys listening to Frank, but doesn’t do anything he says. She’s the opposite of Tyler.

Tyler is a quiet girl, who’s brilliant and head strong. She’s awfully afraid of being hurt, whether it be physically, or emotionally. She can’t seem to figure out how to stop herself from turning into Renee without her medicine. She has a tendency to listen to Frank. She usually takes her medicine, but when she forgets, or runs out, Renee’s effects can be disastrous to her.

I don’t like having Renee around. I really don’t. I mean, she’s almost gotten me arrested, and she makes it impossible to date. Guys generally like candle light, and sometime between when dinner starts, and ends, the medicine wears off. And then, flash, in comes Renee. Then, flash, out goes the guy.

I just wish I could be one person. I want to be just Tyler. I’d do ANYTHING if it meant being normal.