Don't Ask for Trouble, You'll Get Double

Chapter 1.

I groaned as the alarm jolted me awake and quickly turned it off ignoring the fact I had to get ready for a doctors appointment, even though I knew I was going to get an earful by Frank sooner or later.

Tyler get up or your going to be late.

I’m tired leave me alone.

Tyler get up, you know you need more meds.

I sighed and threw the covers off me and got out of bed grumbling, I’m not much of a morning person. As Frank began singing his usual tunes of happy songs that will make me get energy to move around, I slowly went down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my mom already dressed and drinking her coffee.

“Good morning sweetheart,” she smiled.

“Good morning,” I sighed and sat next to her to have my breakfast placed in front of me.

“Thanks Jerry,” I smiled up at our butler and grabbed my spoon.

“Me and your father are going out tonight,” mom began to inform me of her and dads plans like she does every morning. “We won’t be back until late but don’t think that means you can pass out on the couch again,”

“It’s not my fault there was a marathon of old horror movies,” I smirked.

“Still that does not mean it gives you the ok to watch them all night,”

“I know mom,” I rolled my eyes. “But it’s my guilty pleasure you know that,”

“You’re just like your father,” she sighed but smiled.

Tyler the doctor's.

“I’ll see you later then mom,” I told her getting up quickly and grabbing my bowel and putting it in the sink before Jerry could grab it.

“But Ty-”

“I love you mom!” I yelled cutting her off and kissing her cheek and running back upstairs.


What did I tell you? I knew you were going to be late.

Oh shut up Frank.

Dr. Howards isn’t going to be happy.

When did I ever care about Dr. Howards' feelings?

Just go sign in Tyler!

I am jeez!

I huffed as I sighed in quickly putting in a fake time like I always did and sat in the chair closest to the door so I could walk in quickly to get out of this damn office. I didn’t see the point in these checkups every time I needed more medication, he and I both knew well that
I’d always need those meds to keep Renee under control. And ever time he reminded me it upset me that I still wasn’t strong enough to stop her from coming back.

“Tyler Lord.”

I quickly stood up and walked in front of the nurse and into my usual room and sat down waiting for Dr. Howards to come in, I began to absentmindedly swing my legs back and forth knowing it was going to annoy the doctor when he came in. the door opened and immediately Dr. Howards face held a scowl.

I smiled sweetly. “Good morning Dr. Howards,”

“Good morning Tyler,” he mumbled walking in and closing the door behind him. “Lets get started shall we?”


I sighed clutching the prescription that I still needed, I hated this I hated this entire stupid multiple personality disorder.

Don’t worry Tyler you’ll figure it out.

Thanks Frank.

No problem, you passed the pharmacy.


I walked backwards and opened the door walking inside and rolled my eyes at the long line always when I need a damn refill.

No need to get mad Tyler its just a line.

I hate lines.

I know you’ve told me millions of times.

“Fuck you.”

“Excuse me?”

I squeaked jumping up and spinning around wide eyed completely embarrassed, I did not just say that out loud.

Yeah actually you did.

Shut up this is your fault!

“Excuse me?” he repeated with a smirk.

“I’m sorry,” I quickly apologized. “I didn’t mean to say that,”

One of his eyebrows raised as his smirk grew making my face heat up.


I quickly turned around and gave the women my prescription praying that they were there waiting for me already.

“Here you go Ms. Lord.”

Thank you!” I rushed out and walked around him and quickly ran out the door without looking back before I said something stupid again.