Don't Ask for Trouble, You'll Get Double

Chapter 2.

I was sitting on the couch when my phone buzzed. I looked at my centro and saw a text.

Party. Tonite. At my house. <3 Ash.

OO! Party!

I don't know Tyler. Fire, and long nights. Your meds might wear off.

Shut it Frank. I'll bring more with me.

*sigh* Whatever.

At the party

Tyler. I still think this is a bad idea.

Oh shut up Frank, I brought extra meds and I have you to remind me when to take them before they wear off what can go wrong?


Why so negative? You’re always telling me to get friends and a party is a great way to make some!

Not these kind of people!

Frank just because the movies shoot pot heads and people making out everywhere does not mean it’s like that in real life.

I sighed, rolling my eyes, walking through the front door stopping dead in my tracks.

You where saying?

Shut up I bet it just a coincidence.

Yeah and you’re the queen of England.

You know what I-


I raised my eyebrows, about to give him a piece of my mind when a voice rang in my ears sounding fairly familiar. I ignored Frank’s warnings to just leave as I made my way towards the music to see a band playing on what you could call a stage in the backyard. The singers back was facing the crowd as he sang into the microphone as the guitarist and bassist were side by side grinning at each other like fools while the drummer did what drummers do best bang hard. The singer suddenly whipped around making me freeze and stare.


Shut it Frank.

I stared at the singer, my mouth slightly open. He was cute, and I knew him from somewhere. I just don’t know where.

Tyler. Isn’t that that guy that you said fuck you to in line before?

Yea. The guy I made a fool of myself in front of.

Well, I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.

Well, I don’t like you.

Nice. Thank you.

The band finished the song and I watched the guy step off of the stage. Then, I walked away, hiding over by the chips. I kept my gaze down and I nibbled on a chip or two. I hated parties when it came to this, me hanging out by myself over by the food.

“Excuse me?”

I turned around and I was face to face with the leader singer from the band. He smiled at me.

“Yes? Am I in your way?” I guessed, stepping aside for him. He shook his head.

“No, but do I know you from anywhere? You look really familiar,” he told me. I shook my head.

“No, I don’t think we’ve met before,” I whispered, looking at my feet.

“No, no. We have. Before at the pharmacy, you were that girl that was telling someone ‘fuck you’,” he said. I blushed.

“Oh yea,” I squeaked out.

Great. He remembers me making a fool of myself. Thanks Frank.

Yep. It’s my job. It’s what I do.

“I’m Alex,” the guy introduced, holding his hand out. I took it and shook it.

“Tyler,” I replied quietly. He smiled.

“Nice to meet you Tyler,” Alex said. “So...uh...what was up before?” he asked.

“I uh...had those stupid bluetooth things, and I was a little angry at this guy who’s my ex but he keeps calling me,” I made up. Alex nodded.

“Oh,” he said. I nodded. I glanced behind him and saw a lit tiki torch, and I smirked.

Tyler. Your meds!

I reached into my pocket, but didn’t find them. I reached in there other pocket but still didn’t find it.


Tyler get out.

“I have to go,” I told Alex, then I made a run for it.