Don't Ask for Trouble, You'll Get Double

Chapter 5

You seem calm about this.

Why shouldn’t I be?

Who are you and what did you do to my Tyler?!

Frank its nothing big okay? It’s just some boy that has my numbers that’s going to call me.......hopefully.

There she is!

Why are you excited about me being worried?! You’re supposed to help me! Oh god Frank what if he was just playing with me and doesn’t call?

I don’t think he is.

How do you know?!

Cause Tyler h-

My cell rang loudly making me jump and cutting Frank off. I stared blankly as it jumped and sang on my dresser waiting for me to pick it up, I slowly walked near it and glanced down to see a number I didn’t know flash on the screen.

Do you think it’s him?

Only one way to find out.

I took a deep breath and picked up the phone only for it to stop ringing and it beep twice telling me I had a missed callthank god!.

Oh too bad guess they’ll have to call back.

The phone immediately began to ring again with the same number flashing on the screen.

That didn’t take long.

I took another deep breath and picked it up and pressed talk and bringing it up to my ear.


“Hi,” I squeaked.

Tyler is that you?

I cleared my throat. “Yes, Alex?”

Yeah, thank god I thought you gave me a fake number.” he laughed with relief.

“Nope,” I giggled. “So that was fast,”

Well you did say not to wait three days,

“Very true,”

So what are you doing tonight?” Alex asked nervously.

“Nothing really,” I mumbled feeling my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

Oh cool,” he paused taking a deep breath. “So do you want to hang out?

“Really?!” I yelled before coughing awkwardly. “I mean sure how about you come over here?”

Yeah that’s fine I just need you address,

“Hm I’m starting to feel that this was a plan just so you could know where I live,” I laughed.

Dammit you figured it out!” Alex yelled laughing lightly.

I quickly gave him the directions then saying our quick goodbyes and see you later before hanging up.

Hopefully this doesn’t end up terribly.

That makes both of us.


“So what is life like for the daughter of a very rich father?” Alex asked before stuffing more popcorn into his mouth.



“Boring,” I repeated. “Well for me anyhow. All I really ever do is get up to an empty house minus all the maids and Jerry and if I’m lucky my mom at breakfast. Then I lounge around or sometimes go out and just add eating somewhere in between everything oh and sometimes and very rarely going to one of Ash’s parties,”

“Don’t forget cursing at poor innocent guys at the pharmacy,” he smirked.

“Oh yes one of my favorite hobbies,” I giggled grabbing some popcorn and throwing a handful at his face.

I laughed harder at his shocked face before screaming out in surprise as popcorn flew into my face, I quickly hid my face giggling into my arms. Something collided with my back making me jump and look up to see Alex grinning down at me with one of my pillows in his hands.

“Oh no you didn’t!” I yelled jumping up and grabbing my own pillow.

“Please like your going to hit me,”

I smirked and swung back making sure that my pillow hit his face before running a good distance away from him grinning widely. He shook his head like he couldn’t believe it before smirking evilly at me and running towards me letting out a battle cry making me shriek and run away from him. I quickly stopped short and spun around and swung my pillow blindly as his pillow hit my stomach, I turned around to run away again when my foot caught on something making me scream before falling down on the floor followed right by Alex landing on top of me.

“Ow!” I whined as Alex groaned.

“You’re boney and hurt!” he snapped back whining.

“Please like your not,” I rolled my eyes. “Now get off me before you crush me,”

“Hey I’m not fat!” Alex yelled but rolled off me anyway landing hard next to me. “Ow I just hurt myself even more,” he groaned.

“Smooth,” I giggled biting my lip.

“Your mean Tyler very, very mean,” he pouted.

“Aw I’m very sorry Alex,” I smiled innocently giving him a one arm hug.

“Your lucky I like you Tyler,” he fake glared before pulling me on top of him and hugging me tightly.

“Can’t breathe,” I fake wheezed trying to ignore my rapid heart beat.

“Liar,” he stuck out his tongue but loosed his grip on me anyway.

“Yeah I am,” I grinned.

Tyler I hate to interrupt this touching moment but you need to take your meds again..

“Hey I’ll be right back,” I told Alex slipping out of his arms.

“Where you going?” he asked leaning up on his elbows.

“Bathroom jeez mister nosey.” I grinned walking into my bathroom.

Thanks for reminding me Frank.

Anytime Tyler.

Do you think it will actually get on there? I don't think it’s that good....but then again I'm thinking negative.