‹ Prequel: So Kiss Me Goodbye

You and Me, Forever Young

Chapter 5

Shelby and Ryan were in Chicago.

How would I know this?

Because she was currently banging on my door attempting to make herself louder than the baby in my arms screaming his lungs out.

"Will get the door!" I yelled as Zackie clawed his very sharp baby nails into my arm.

He looked between me and the baby and opted for the door where it seemed safer.

From the nursery I heard the door open, a very loud Shelby squeal, and then a thump.

A moment later Shelby came running into the room. "I think I crippled your hubbie."

I laughed and set Zackie down for a moment to throw my arms around my best friend.

"I missed you Shelb's."

She grinned, placing a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. "I missed you too dahling."

Zackie was still fussing, catching her attention.

"And I especially missed you little man." She cooed, picking him up.

Like the miracle worker she was, Shelby began babbling to him and quieted him instantly like she always did.

I like to believe it was all her shiny jewelry that distracted him, because really, there are few out there who aren’t distracted by shiny objects.

"I love you so much." I sighed with a satisfied smile.

She merely grinned as Ryan walked in.

"Ry-Ry!" I exclaimed, being pulled into a hug by the skinny kid.

He threw his arms around me in a bear hug, way more outgoing than the Ryan that I had last seen those months ago.

"How've you been Lilly?" He asked.

"Just traveling around the world with a bunch of hot rock stars while juggling motherhood and the wonders of matrimony," I shrugged with a grin. "You know, the usual."

He chuckled. "Yeah, we've been doing the same, minus the whole kid thing, but we're working on the matrimony part, right Shelby?"

She grinned and her cheeks reddened like the classic blushing bride.

As I watched Ryan glance lovingly at her, Will wobbled into the room.

"There's no way I'll ever be able to forget Shelby. I think she left a permanent impression on my organs." He groaned dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and gently pulled him into a hug. "Oh come here you big baby."

He pouted a little to make me feel guilty, but all it earned him was a quick peck on the cheek.

"So, I heard a rumor there was a party being held for us, and since we're the guests of honor, when do we have to arrive fashionably late?" Ryan asked anxiously.

I glanced over at Zackie still in Shelby's arms.

"Well I need to wash the baby food out of my hair and drop him off at Jamie's sisters' with Zoe, and then we can go crazy."

Shelby laughed and handed Zackie over to Will.

"I'll help you get sexy, I need to too. It'll be like old times!" She giggled, waving to the boys as she pushed me out of the room.

While I took a shower Shelby got dressed up so that fifteen minutes later she was ready to get her hands on me, figuratively of course.

It really was like old times as she slapped some curlers in my hair and broke out her bag of tricks.

Apparently being on tour with Panic At The Disco certainly taught her some new tricks when it came to make-up and hair.

So after ten minutes of primping and polishing, we both emerged from the bedroom looking pretty spiffy.

Though by the looks on Will and Ryan's faces we looked a little better than spiffy.

"My wife is hot." He muttered, adjusting the tie around his neck.

While we had been getting ready like all girls did, the guys had slipped into tuxes of their own and wasted the rest of the time reminiscing.

"Are we ready?" Ryan asked, holding his arm out to Shelby.

She nodded, linking arms with him.

"Let's go party."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wanna know why I'm posting so soon?
Because TAI just released His Girl Friday! (Click it if you want to hear it via FoE.)
And now of course I owe Barfalicious probably my soul by now cause she sent me the MP3 of said song... she totally kicks everyone's ass in awesomeness.
I needed the song release today of all days since I'm slowly losing my mind right now and I'm not on speaking terms with my parents and just a lot of life shit tripping me up.
Oh well... to quote Sisky, "The world tends to unfold as it should."
(And thanks for those of you that commented on my page about the song, though for once I was in the loop... I'm so proud of myself *gives pat on the back*)