‹ Prequel: So Kiss Me Goodbye

You and Me, Forever Young

Chapter 6

After a long night of reconnecting with friends we hadn't seen, Will and I hauled ourselves home, baby in toe.

Since we had only been in Chicago for roughly two days, it was the first time I'd really seen any of my friends in months.

Most of our close friends were still on tour or just getting off, so the party consisted of our local friends that weren’t dealing with the woes of touring.

It was weird being surrounded by people whose major problems consisted of someone stealing office supplies and so forth, nothing at all like traveling around the world's most famous parking lots and stages.

Still, it was somewhat nice leaving them and going home with Will, like we were a normal couple that lived a normal life.

I couldn't explain how nice it was to come back to our apartment and not a bus as I left Will to put Zackie to bed while I went off to the bedroom and kicked off my heels.

I was not one of those girls that danced or partied, but with my friends and some good music, it's been known to happen.

But I regretted it as soon as we got in the cab and my feet painfully reminded me of how much I'd made them suffer.

Needless to say all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and stay there for the next month.

That however, involved getting out of my dress, which involved unzipping it from the back, which was something I simply couldn’t do.

But that's what husbands were for.

"Will?" I called lightly, trying to fine the happy medium between getting his attention and not waking the baby.

It seemed to have worked because in the silence Will walked in, loosening his tie in a gesture I couldn’t help but find utterly adorable.

"Yeah Lil?"

I turned my back to him. "Would you mind unzipping me?"

Will chuckled and stepped closer, slowly pulling the zipper down.

"Lilly, you looked really gorgeous tonight." He murmured, his breath on my neck.

A girly giggle that wasn't like me at all slipped out.

"Will..." I squirmed as his hands left the zipper on my waist and settled there.

His hand slipped up my now bare back, silencing whatever other sounds of protest from escaping me.

It was something about his touch that always had a way of breaking down my defenses.

"Lilly..." Will whispered, his arms circling around my waist.

He rested his head on my shoulder and began to sway us back and forth, holding me closer.

I don't know how it happened exactly but a minute later we were in a furious lip lock.

It wasn't the kind of making out a married couple would do, but as my dress fell in a puddle by my feet I stopped caring about what was or wasn’t and started focusing more on Will's belt buckle.

That didn’t stand much of a chance before it and his pants fell next to my dress, followed by his shirt.

Will's lips made a trail down my exposed neck like a distraction as his hands reached for the clasp of my bra.

By now I think he was an expert at undoing those as he added that to our pile of discarded clothes.

After a minute or so we had fallen into bed and under the sheets.

The remainder of our few clothes got pulled off and kicked somewhere as passion overwhelmed the rest of our actions.

Later that night as Will slept next to me I lay awake staring in the darkness.

It was different from the tour bus, both the silence and the space.

Still, there was a shred of familiarity with Will next to me as I watched his bare chest go up and down with each breath.

He was still a little tan from Warped tour leaving some of him still pale enough to reflect the moonlight.

It was that sleeping man next to me that meant more than life to me, just like the smaller version of him in the next room.

Love like that used to scare me, but now that I had it I didn't know how I lived without it, without William.
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New TAI TV!!!!
It was so good, especially all the yummy Will goodness, him just being him.
And I'm so in love with His Girl Friday, the play count on my iTunes is 225.
Other than that I'm losing my mind... if I don't reply back to you I'm sorry, I'm trying to not repeat last summer.
Oh and if you want me to whore your story post a comment on the Recommended Reading journal or I'll probably forget about it... though even then there's no guarantee anyway.