Green Eyes


Annes POV

I log onto MSN, result! Kim is online.

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Heeeyyyyyyy!

Kim! ILY! <3 says: Heyyoo! (=

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: How r u?

Kim! ILY! <3 says: Amaze, youu?

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Gd :)

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Spoken 2 Sam mutch lately??

Kim! ILY! <3 says: Not reallyy.. Why'd youu ask?

Kim! ILY! <3 says: What'd he do?!?! >;(

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Haha, nuttin. Just wondred if u had...

Kim! ILY! <3 says: Ohh, 'kayy (=

Kim! ILY! <3 says: SHIT! I has to go... Sorry hon. Talk to youu later, yeahh? LY! <3

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Oh, kay.. Byyyeeee! xo

Kim! ILY! <3 has just signed out.

Sam... Tyler<3 (; has just signed in.

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D has just signed in.

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Heyy.

Sam... Tyler<3 (; says: Hi

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D has been added to the conversation.

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: Oh, hi...

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D says: SAM! Hi :D & hi Anne. :)

Sam... Tyler<3 (; says: Tyler, are you still coming down to see me soon? (:

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D says: 'Courseee! Why wouldn't I? :D

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: uummm.... where will he stay, Sam?

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D says: You didn't ask her yet?!?!

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: didn't ask her, i mean me, what????

Sam... Tyler<3 (; says: If he can stay at yours.. He can right? (:

I spit the mouthful of coffee I have in my mouth at the screen and choke on air. I scream out loud,

"WHAT?! IS HE CRAZY??!!??!!"

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: course he can!

Wait, what?

Tyler.. Sam<3 :D says: YAY! Thanks Anne :) You're a life saverrr!

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. says: yeahh, sure.

Sam... Tyler<3 (; says: I owe you one Anne (: Thanks ssoooooo much! *Mega hugs*

Anne</3 Bang! Pull The Trigger.. has signed out.

I get up from the computer and go out onto my balcony. I hold onto the rail with a death grip and scream at that top of my lungs.

What the hell did I just agree to? I am such an idiot, I could've just said he can't. But nooooo! I had to be soft touch Anne again didn't I? Urghh, this sucks. I need to phone Kim, she knows what I mean...
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter, hope you like it (= Mostly MSN talk and shizz, but it's nessecary, honest. (= I know it's not all that long either... But it's early for me, and I have to go out soon xD

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