Status: Complete :)

The Black Parader's Bullets.

The End.

[Normal POV]

“Calm down, Mikey, it’s just me.” I say, breathlessly

“Shit, Gee. You scared me.” Mikey said, exhaling loudly.

Yeah, we don’t freak out when we hear gunshots, but we do when our older brothers jump on our backs.

Insane, much?

“You shouldn’t have walked this far away. Let’s go back, shall we?” I said, putting my arm around his tiny waist and heading back to his place.


“Gerard!” Frank yelled, tackling me to the ground and covering me in kisses.

“What… a wonderful… welcome.” I manage to say between kisses.

“Oh, you guys, get a fucking room.” Bob laughed.

“Guys, I think I need a bit of time alone, okay?” I hear Mikey say, walking towards his room.

“Alright, Mikers. Uhh… have fun… I guess?” I say.

[Mikey’s POV]

“Uhh… have fun… I guess?” Finishes Gerard.

I shake my head, laughing at his pointless comment.

Trudging my way up the stairs and finding my room, I sit on my bed to think.

Fuck, why didn’t I tell him before all this?

It’s the fact that he’s been drawing it all the time that makes it harder.

He’ll be like “OMFGZZ I NEW IT.”

Well, he won’t say it like that though. I hope.

This has all been happening behind his back, and I haven’t told him.

He doesn’t even know.

Or does he?


“Fuck!” I yell.

Oh, well that’s great.

Walk out of my room and straight into a fucking bookshelf that has been deliberately placed in front of my door.

Gerard, Frank and Ray’s laughter from the other side rings in my ears and I start to get angry.

Shit, I can’t get angry!

“Sorry Mikey!” calls Gerard.

“Gerard, you’re such an ass! Sorry about that, Mikey. We were playing some random game that Frank made up.” Laughed Bob sympathetically, moving the large wooden object out of the way.

“Thanks Bob, but give me two seconds!” I say loudly, slamming my door and running to my bathroom.

I see my mask starting to appear on my face.

I throw water on my face, then go lie down on my bed and put in my iPod headphones.


[Normal POV]

“Guys, he’s been in there for ages, do you think I should go in and check on him? Or could one of you guys, because I think he’s angry at me.” I say, starting to worry about Mikey.

Bob voluntarily goes in there and shuts the door behind him.

[Mikey’s POV]

“Hey Bob.” I say, seeing him walk in.

“Hey man, are you angry at us?” he asks, a sincere look nailed to his face.

“No, no. I’m fine, I just had to take care of… of something.” I say honestly.

“Okay, that’s awesome!” he says cheerfully, “so, are you gonna come and play what ever it was that we were playing with us?” he finishes, laughing slightly.

“Yeah, I will, but could you send Gerard in here for a second? There’s something I really need to tell him.” I say, sighing at the end.

“Yeah, okay.” He says smiling and walking towards the door.

“Hey Mikey?” he asks, reaching the door.

“Yeah?” I reply casually.

“Does Bob Bryar have to slap a bitch?” he says, laughing at himself.

“Haha no Bob, everything’s fine. You rock, Bryar.” I laugh, grinning like a madman.

He smiles and exits the room calling Gerard’s name and signalling for him to get his ass in here.

Not too long after, Gerard enters my room and, taking a seat on my bed, immediately starts apologising over and over.

“Gerard!” I yell, speaking over him, “It’s not that, that’s all fine.”

“Oh,” he says sitting back and letting out a sign of relief. “What is it then?”

“Well,” I start, taking a deep breath. “You know how I’ve been trying to tell you stuff all week?”

He nods.

“Well, I haven’t been able to actually tell you what’s been bothering me. And I think I can now.”

He nods again.

“Gerard, I’mtheblackparader.” I blurt out, maybe a bit too fast.

“What? Mikey, say it slower, I didn’t catch any of it.” He says, interest printed clearly all over his face.

“Gerard, I’m the Black Parader.”
♠ ♠ ♠
finally. :|

im working on a new fic and I'll post it soon.
It will be called 'The Bandwagon Effect.' and it would be a great idea for you to check out For Our Hero 'cause they're the stars.
+ they are awesome.

and btw, Frankie007 + lozzaroxs1234, GET EXCITED.