Look for the Girl With the Broken Smile

Five Things You Should Know

Five Things You Should Know About Sarah Jane Judd:

1. SJ, as she had gone by for most of her life, was the daughter of Cecile Cleménse, a French model who had graced the cover of the French Vogue nine times during her career, and Ari Judd, a man from England who had fallen in love with Cecile on a trip to France. The two married, had SJ, and lived together in France until SJ was seven years old. They then divorced, and Ari brought SJ back to live in Essex, right next door to her cousin Harry Judd, with whom she became very close to.

2. Ari Judd died last year in a car accident. Cecile hadn't come back to take care of the then nineteen-year-old SJ. Instead, she'd been too busy producing and hosting France's Next Top Model. SJ rented out an apartment herself—after all, she was nineteen. Old enough to take care of herself.

3. In quick succession during the summer of 2008, SJ was fired from her job as an assistant to a magazine editor-in-chief, couldn't pay her rent, and had yet to receive her acceptance letter to the London Institute of Art, where she was applying for a transfer to go to fulfill her goal of becoming an artist…and the delay probably meant she hadn't been accepted. Her cousin Harry, a member of the band McFly, offers for her to come along on tour with him instead of trying to figure out her rent situation. SJ accepts and is soon on tour with McFly. One problem…

4. She has to share close quarters with Dougie Poynter, SJ's absolute sworn enemy. SJ hated Dougie from the moment she first met him, and the feeling was mutual. Until…

5. SJ falls completely for Dougie.

It was going to be one hell of a summer.
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: )
I'll update a real chapter later today probably.
I know it's early but comments/subscriptions please.
My sister has a friend named SJ, so I didn't just make that up!
But I did make up the London Institute of Art lol
Oh and the title of the story is from She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5...I don't even listen to them but I was just listening to that song while I was thinking about this story.