Look for the Girl With the Broken Smile


Dougie and SJ were playing a game.

They were seated backstage before a concert with the rest of McFly. Harry was on the other side of the room, reading the Daily Mirror. Danny and Tom were sitting on the couch chatting with two lucky fans that had gotten backstage passes. Dougie and SJ were sitting at the table with the drinks, pretending to ignore each other.

The game went like this: every time Danny would look up, SJ or Dougie would stick their tongue out very slightly at him, and then look away before anyone else could see. The point of the game was to get Danny to give in and stick his tongue back out at them. Immature, yes. Hysterical to see Danny become increasingly frustrated? Also yes.

“Look at him, he’s about to burst,” SJ muttered under her breath to Dougie. At first, Danny had just been ignoring them, so the fans wouldn’t think he was insane. But now he definitely looked like he was going to crack.

Dougie laughed, and quickly stopped when Harry looked over. When Harry returned his attention to his paper, Dougie stuck his tongue out again at Danny. Danny’s eyes widened in silent frustration. Then, making sure neither the fans nor Tom saw him, he flicked his tongue out at them and hastily looked away.

SJ and Dougie snickered. “Nice one,” SJ commented in a low voice. But the next time SJ attempted to do the gesture again, Danny really did snap.

“Stop it!!” he shouted, making everyone in the room stare at him like he was shouting at inner voices.

“Er…who are you talking to, Danny?” Tom asked, bemused. Danny’s face flushed. “No one,” was his quick response.

SJ and Dougie doubled over in silent laughter. Danny glared at them.

“Let’s get outta here,” SJ whispered to Dougie.

Dougie gave a small nod, her whisper sending shivers down his spine. “How?” he mouthed back.

SJ winked at him. Then she said, in a loud voice, “Poynter, I didn’t put anything in your drink!”

Dougie looked at her, completely confused. She widened her green eyes and gave him a look, and he quickly caught on. “Then why does it taste funny?” he demanded.

“Poynter.” SJ slammed her hands down on the table. “I did not put anything in your drink. You’re being a paranoid idiot.”

“Pardon me?”

“You heard me,” SJ shot back at him.

As anticipated, Harry intervened. “Guys,” he said exasperatedly, looking up. “What’s going on?”

“Poynter’s being a stupid prat, as usual,” SJ told him.

“Your cousin is trying to poison me, that’s what’s happening,” Dougie put in, trying not to smile.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Poynter? He thinks I put something in his drink,” she explained to Harry.

“Well…did you?” Harry couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course I didn’t!” SJ said furiously.

“Well, it tastes funny,” Dougie insisted again.

SJ sighed. “Poynter, you are such a baby, it’s unbelievable,” she snapped. She stood up. “Look, I will buy you another drink just to prove that I didn’t touch it.”

“You know what? Fine.” Dougie stood up as well. “And I’ll come with you to make sure you don’t do anything to it,” he added.

“Yeah, and when it tastes the exact same, Poynter, you’ll owe me,” SJ spat at him.

“Fine. Let’s see about that, SJ.” Dougie followed SJ out the dressing room. Once the door shut behind them, they looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Shh, keep it down,” SJ tried to say midst her laughter.

They eventually sobered up. “Damn, SJ, you were pretty good at that,” Dougie commented.

“Yeah, I can do bitch pretty well,” SJ said breezily.

“I know, I’ve still got the scars on my back to prove it,” Dougie joked.

“Shut up!” SJ’s jaw dropped as he laughed again. “You are so dirty.”

“Dirrrty,” he said. He paused, and added, “With three rs.”

SJ rolled her eyes at him. “So, where do we go?”

Dougie shrugged. “I guess we could go get another coke,” he suggested. “Just so they don’t get suspicious.”

“Alright,” SJ agreed. As they began walking down the hall, her hand slipped in his, and he smiled at her. SJ smiled back, suppressing her sudden feeling of guilt.

Okay, so, she’d called James back. She hadn’t wanted to, but she had. And it made her kinda miss him, just a little bit. She’d forgotten how nice and sweet he was, when he wasn’t being a complete arse. But she hadn’t told Dougie that she’d been talking to her ex-boyfriend who in fact might actually not be her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t want Dougie getting upset. She wasn’t exactly sure what kind of relationship they were in, just hook up buddies or something more, but she had the feeling Dougie would not be happy if he knew. And she also hadn’t told James about Dougie. So basically, both ways, she was fucked.

So, if she was fucked, why not enjoy it while it lasted?

SJ wrapped her arm around Dougie. He looked at her in surprise. “What, it’s an empty hallway,” she said.

Dougie stopped in the middle of the hall and gave her a devious look. “You read my mind completely, babe.”

“Oh really?” SJ giggled when he pushed her against the wall and kissed her.

“You know SJ, no one comes back here,” he mumbled as he ran his hand through her dark hair. “We could have sex right here in this hallway and no one would ever know.”

“As tempting an offer that sounds—” Oh, and it was. Very tempting. “I don’t do hallways, Poynter,” SJ informed

“Fine.” He almost pouted and pulled away for a second, looking around. Then the mischievous grin sneaked back on his face. He grabbed her wrist and, opening a door SJ hadn’t noticed before, pulled her into a tiny dark room. “Do you do closets?” he asked.

His lips met hers again in the dark. “Hmm, I’ll consider it,” she whispered. Their kiss heated up—Dougie groaned when SJ pulled him closer to her, letting their tongues dance together. Dougie carefully began undoing the buttons on her blue plaid button-down shirt. “For fuck’s sake, Poynter,” she mumbled, but she didn’t stop him. When his hands touched her skin, she shivered.

Dougie paused for a second. “Did you just shiver?” he asked, a suppressed laugh in his voice.

“Shut up, Poynter.” She pulled him back to her. “You’re much cuter when you don’t talk,” she breathed.

“I concur.” She could feel him smirking as he kissed her again, nibbling slightly on her lip.

But for the next couple of minutes, they didn’t speak. SJ’s shirt slipped off and she felt her bra getting looser as Dougie moaned in her ear. Her hands slid down under his shirt and she began unbuckling his belt. SJ’s mind turned off and she stopped thinking about everything except the complete ecstasy she felt at that moment. And that’s when it slipped out of her mouth.

“James,” she sighed blissfully.

Dougie completely froze up. He pulled away from her. In the dark, SJ couldn’t read his expression. And that’s when she realized her mistake.

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I know, I'm an awful person. Stupid SJ!!! Enjoy the drama. Sorry for the short chapter, you'll have to wait for the next one to see what happens ; )

Comments please!! I got a couple more silent readers last chapter, COME ON, it really doesn't take long to post a comment!! Just to say if you liked the chapter or not! Even hate mail would be lovely as I know everyone's going to freak out about this chapter. haha, I'll just say this---STAY CALM! It's all part of the plot!