Look for the Girl With the Broken Smile


"Get the fuck out of my way, Poynter."

"No way, Judd."

"Oh, come on, guys!" Tom Fletcher groaned from inside the room. "Are you guys actually arguing about who's going to move out of the doorway?"

"Yes," Dougie and SJ both said, without looking at Tom. They were face-to-face in the doorway—Dougie was attempting to come in, as McFly had a meeting with their manager Fletch in a couple of minutes, and SJ, who had been visiting her cousin Harry during her quick lunch break, was trying to leave to get back to work. Both refused to move for the other.

"Move out of my way, Poynter," SJ said again.

"No." Dougie adjusted his grip on the pizza boxes he was carrying.

"Poynter, move. My boyfriend is waiting for me downstairs." SJ was annoyed now.

"So, he can wait. I'm the one carrying three boxes of pizza," Dougie argued.

SJ glared at him. Dougie tried to glare back.

In an instant, SJ knocked the pizza boxes to the floor. They hit the ground with a loud thud, but fell neatly on top of each other. "What the—?" Dougie began. In the next second, SJ pushed Dougie aside so his head slammed into the door frame. "Ow!" Dougie cried.

SJ smirked as she went past him. "Maybe that'll do some good for your fat head, Poynter."

"You—you—" Dougie could barely find the words. "You bitch!"

"Bye Harry! I'll ring you later," SJ called sweetly as she left the room.

Dougie groaned and slumped down on a couch next to Danny Jones. He rubbed his head and winced.

Danny, who always found Dougie and SJ's arguments a source of amusement, laughed at Dougie. "Nice one, Doug!"

"Why?" Dougie moaned dramatically. "Why does she always win?"

Harry smirked in the same way SJ had. "It's because she's related to me. Judds always win," he declared.

"No, it's because your cousin is an insane abusive psycho," Dougie grumbled, still rubbing his head.

"Get over it." Harry yawned.

"Alright, boys." Fletch came in, carrying a stack of papers. "Today's meeting is for taking care of paperwork for the tour…"

SJ laughed silently to herself as she walked down the hall away from Fletch's office. Dougie Poynter was such a wimp. She was sure he was complaining about her at that very moment inside.

SJ had nothing against the rest of McFly—she loved Danny and Tom and considered them to be like brothers. It was just Dougie she couldn't stand. She'd hated him from the very moment she laid her eyes on him, when they were both fifteen and Harry had been introducing his cousin to his new band. It was that obnoxious smirk that first did it. Everyone thought he was so cute, because of how quiet and shy he was. Well, he wasn't cute and he most definitely was not shy. The first time they'd met, he had tripped her down the stairs in what he claimed was an "accident". Accident, yeah right! SJ had broken her wrist, and Dougie hadn't even come to apologize.

SJ rolled her eyes and slipped on her Ray-Bans as she stepped outside into the rare sunshine. Even thinking about Dougie Poynter infuriated her. She spotted her boyfriend, James Stone, leaning against his car, waiting for her. "James!"

He turned and smiled at the sight of her. "Hey, babe," he said once she drew nearer. He kissed her lightly. "You ready?" He chivalrously opened the car door for her, and she slipped in.

James was her boyfriend of nearly three years. He was good-looking, with beautiful black curls, dark chocolate brown eyes, and an easy smile. SJ had gone to an all-French school in Essex, and James had gone to another private school, but they'd met when a mutual friend introduced them in college. They'd hit it off right away.

"So, I'm driving you back to work, right?" James said, starting the car.

"Yup." SJ worked as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of the British Vogue. It was an important job that she had worked hard to get.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the Vogue building. "Thanks, J, I'll see you later." SJ leaned toward him to give him a kiss.

James grabbed her and kissed her back, hard.

"James," SJ mumbled. "I have to go to work."

"Just a little bit," he whispered in her ear.

"Fine." She giggled. She knew she was going to be late, but she really couldn't resist him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm still getting things going so this is a short chapter.
I'm not sure why I decided to make SJ French...? I'm in honors French at school and believe me French people are really bizarre.
Oh yeah and SJ has a boyfriend, I don't think I mentioned that before.